
1 Accounts

Elevating Business: 1 Accounts Partners with Swoop

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and finance, staying ahead means leveraging every available resource to fuel growth and efficiency. That’s why 1 Accounts Online is thrilled to announce our partnership with Swoop, a move set to revolutionise the way our clients manage their finances, access funding, and combat the energy crisis. Why Partner with […]

Celebrating a Decade of 1 Accounts

From Humble Beginnings to Industry Pioneers As we stand on the brink of a significant milestone, it’s time to turn the pages back to where it all began—a journey from a modest room in our house to a prominent office in Haverhill. Ten years ago, Paul and Jenni Donno set out with a vision to […]

How do I stay compliant with HMRC?

Your Guide to Navigating UK Tax Regulations If you’re a business owner or a self-employed individual, one question that may often cross your mind is, “how do I stay compliant with HMRC?” As one of the leading accountancy practices in the UK, 1 Accounts Online Ltd is here to guide you through the essentials of […]

Do I Need An Accountant?

Do I Need an Accountant? Unravelling the Importance of Accounting for Your Business The question “Do I need an accountant?” is a common one among business owners, especially for start-ups and small businesses. As a leading UK-based accountancy practice, 1 Accounts Online Ltd aims to answer this question and elucidate why an accountant is crucial […]

What is an Accountant?

What is an Accountant? Unveiling the Essential Role in Your Business If you’ve ever wondered, “what is an accountant?” then you’re in the right place. As a premier UK-based accountancy practice, 1 Accounts Online Ltd is here to demystify the role of an accountant and explain why they are indispensable for your business. What is […]

What is business compliance?

Unraveling the Complexity: UK Business Compliance in Accountancy In today’s swiftly shifting regulatory environment, understanding UK business compliance in the realm of accountancy has never been more vital. With businesses continually subject to various rules and regulations, understanding compliance is key to maintaining a healthy, thriving, and legally compliant business. Let’s take a deeper look […]

Client Spotlight: The Audiology Expert

At 1 Accounts Online, we pride ourselves on our diverse clientele, each bringing a wealth of unique knowledge to our accounting practice. Last month, we were privileged to host one of our esteemed clients, The Audiology Expert, for an insightful talk at our networking event. This event became a platform for us to witness first-hand […]

How Do I Understand My Business Finances?

Unraveling the Mysteries of Business Finances – the Fun Way! 1. When Business Finances Feel Like Hieroglyphics Ever found yourself staring at a pile of spreadsheets and financial statements, as decipherable as ancient hieroglyphics? You’re not alone. Thinking “how do i understand my business finances?” and actually understanding business finances can feel daunting. But fret […]

Your Pathway Business Success in the UK

In today’s fast-paced, competitive world, achieving business success is a path fraught with many challenges. The journey to becoming a top-tier enterprise in Haverhill or any other part of the UK is more than just having a great idea—it requires a blend of strategic thinking, operational effectiveness, financial guidance, and above all, professional business coaching. […]

Welcoming Our New Tax Advisor: Meet Josh!

At 1 Accounts Online Ltd, we pride ourselves on being a family business that delivers first-rate financial services. Today, we’re thrilled to announce the addition of a new family member to our team. Meet Josh, our new Tax Advisor in Haverhill! A Dynamic Professional and R&D Tax Credits Expert Josh brings a fresh energy to […]

Our Journey to Becoming Xero Platinum Partners

Celebrating Our Journey to Becoming Xero Platinum Partners: How Your Trusted Business Advisors & Accountants in Haverhill Made it to the Top We’re incredibly excited to announce a milestone moment for our team here at 1 Accounts Online. After years of hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence, we have officially become Xero Platinum […]

The March 2023 Budget Explained

The Chancellor announced his March budget today.   Similar to the budgets, autumn statements and ‘non-budget’ statements of the last few years we knew most of the details in advance. What we did find out yesterday is that UK PLC is in a better position than feared. It is believed that inflation will fall to […]

Answering Your Top 10 Accountancy Questions

As accountants, a lot of our time is spent answering your queries and questions to help ensure you make the best financial decisions for your business.  However, (after a while), the same questions inevitably start to crop up.  So, in the hope that we can help out (and save you some time), we’ve answered your most […]

1 Accounts shortlisted for prestigious national award

A commitment to supporting businesses through the pandemic has seen 1 Accounts shortlisted for a top national award. We have been named in the top five of the prestigious Accounting Excellence awards in the Medium Firm of the Year category. While acknowledging the growth of the company, the shortlisting is also testimony to the bespoke […]

1 Accounts Team Building Day March 2022

Last week we closed the office for the whole day so that our team could enjoy our first Team Building day since the pandemic started! We have added several new team members since our last team building day in 2019 including Fran, Katy, Che, Charlie and Harry! This is a huge growth for any firm […]

Our Covid-19 Policy for returning to the office

Even though there are no longer any legal covid-19 restrictions in England, here at 1 Accounts we will be keeping some measures to ensure the safety of our clients and staff. This is especially important to us as not all of our team members have been double vaccinated yet so we want to make sure […]

Anti-money laundering and our clients

Anti-money Laundering – sounds scary, doesn’t it? Our governing body (AAT) requires us to follow strict guidelines to help us spot signs of money laundering. Although we trust our clients, we must follow all of the steps to comply with the regulations. What is anti-money laundering? Our team are all trained to spot the signs […]

How has Paul kept positive during lockdown?

1 Accounts is a family run business with the Donno family all depending on the businesses survival. When lockdown was announced, Paul could have panicked – but he didn’t he stayed calm, collected his thoughts and worked out how to overcome the biggest crisis businesses have faced since the war. So what has Paul done […]

To charge or not to charge? That is the question.

To charge or not to charge? That is the question. Right now many business owners are in desperate need of support to help them get through the current crisis. These are unprecedented times and the question keeps popping up “should accountants charge for the additional help to their clients?” As a family run business, with […]

Our new service for Sole Traders

Our new service for Sole Traders. We have all asked the question “will periodic lockdowns become the new norm?” – No one knows, but just in case we have launched a brand-new service for Sole Traders. All you have to do is take a photo of your receipts and issue your sales invoices – that’s it! This blog update has been written […]

We Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends

We get by with a little help from our friends. This classic Beatles song has never rung more true. Right now we all need a little help from our friends. In the current circumstances it is time to work together and pull on whatever resources you can. We are always humbled by the help and […]

Tough Times Ahead – We Are All In This Together

Tough Times Ahead – We Are All In This Together Without doubt we are facing an unprecedented difficult time. Small business owners are trying to make money for themselves, their family and staff. It is looking likely that we will have to make some cutbacks and decisions that go against the grain. As a small […]

Giving Back to the Community

Giving Back to the Community As a business giving back to the community is important. The size of business or contribution is unimportant, however having a caring and socially aware ethos is paramount. Many businesses are becoming more aware of their corporate responsibilities and are focusing on their environmental efforts, fundraising events, Employee wellbeing and volunteering. […]

What happened in 2019?

2019 2019 was another great year for 1 Accounts Online. We have streamlined our processes, brought in more team members and continue to provide a great service to our clients. With new advancements in technology such as open banking and MTD it is an exciting time to be a part of a rapid changing industry. […]

No one wants a Tax Investigation.

No one wants a Tax Investigation. It is true that as business owners we don’t want HMRC asking awkward questions and taking up our precious time by visiting us on a routine (or not!) compliance visit. This week two of our clients have been subject to compliance visits from HMRC, one for PAYE and CIS, […]

Supporting Local Independent Businesses

Supporting Local Independent Businesses 1 Accounts Haverhill is based on the top of the high street in Haverhill providing a service to both local and non-local businesses. Where we can we will support Haverhill businesses and we encourage our client to do the same. The Economy Not many people realise that shopping locally is great […]

1 Accounts Wine & Cheese Night

Wine & Cheese Night In aid of the St Nicholas Hospice Accumulator Challenge 1 Accounts Online will be holding a Wine & Cheese Tasting evening at Baythorne Hall near Haverhill …. And your all invited. The event will take place on the 9th of August at 7pm. George from Baythorne Wines will be talking us […]

1 Accounts May Update

MAY UPDATE May disappeared before our eyes, with tax returns, accounts and quarterly reviews in full swing. The sunshine has been fleeting but our smiles have stayed all month long. Here is what we got up to this month: Clever Grace Grace got a whopping 86% on her exam on Management accounting and budgeting. She […]

1 Accounts April Update

April Update With the start of a new tax year, lots of bank holidays and new starters 1 Accounts have well and truly stepped into spring! Start of the Tax Year The 6th of April marked the beginning of the next tax year. With this brought some changes to personal allowance, minimum wage, student loans […]

The 1 Accounts Accumulator Challenge

The 1 Accounts Accumulator Challenge This year we are thrilled to announce that we are the sponsor for St Nicholas Hospice’s Accumulator Challenge. We felt it fitting that on their 10th year anniversary we should be the sponsor as Paul won the first one raising £2600. This year we hope to get lots of business […]

1 Accounts – You are not a bank

You Are Not A Bank As a small business, credit control can be a nightmare. Paul will tell you that when he first started running his traditional accountancy practice (Paul Donno & Co) he was pulling his hair out when he would do work, invoice the client and then not get paid. Unlike buying a […]

1 Accounts launches new website

1 Accounts opened its doors 5 years ago. As time and technology has moved on, so has 1 Accounts and so to celebrate our 5th birthday we decided to treat ourselves to a new Website! – Whoop! Growth Over the last 5 years 1 Accounts has grown dramatically. We have moved into a larger office, […]

Boring to Soaring

Paul writes his first book Our director Paul has written his first book. The book tells of how he started his business life as a young lad collecting golf balls from the local golf club, to building a business, merging a business and ultimately building the current business. 1 Accounts Online is a growing business […]

From strength to strength

Multi-award winning accountancy firm 1 Accounts Online Ltd is celebrating success as it enters into a fifth year of business with ambitious growth plans for 2018. 1 Accounts was established by Paul Donno in December 2013. The aim of the new business was to offer clients an alternative to the traditional accounting model through the use […]

High hopes for prestigious award

The team from 1 Accounts Online, is celebrating after being shortlisted for a prestigious national industry award. Managing Director, Paul Donno, has been nominated for the Practice Excellence Pioneer of the Year 2017. The annual Practice Excellence Awards celebrate excellence in the accounting profession. They aim to highlight the key role that accountants play in supporting […]

Check Out Our Latest Blog

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide Starting a new business is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. One of the most critical aspects to get right from the outset is understanding your tax obligations. This beginner’s guide aims to help you navigate the UK tax system and ensure your […]