
Starting your own business after redundancy

Facing redundancy can be incredibly challenging, but it could also be the perfect time to start a brand new career based on your interests, your lifestyle and your aspirations. Does this sound too good to be true? With these five steps, we can help you transform your redundancy package into your very own startup: 1) […]

Payments on account

If you complete a tax return you may have to pay your tax twice a year. This sounds like it should be bad, but it can be a helpful way of spreading your payments throughout the year. What are payments on account? Payments on account are made twice a year and are payments that you […]

Why sole traders need a separate bank account

If you are just about to become a sole trader, or have been one for a while, you might be wondering whether it is worth getting a separate bank account for your business. There is no legal requirement for sole traders to have a separate bank account for their business unlike Limited Companies which are […]

Sole Trader VS Limited Company: Which is better for you?

Have you been thinking about switching to a limited company because of the upcoming changes due to Making Tax Digital? Has anyone told you that you could be paying less tax as the owner of a limited company instead? We will take you through what the differences are and ultimately help you make the right […]

Why do we ask for your bank statements?

Depending on which service you are on, you will find that you receive requests from members of our team asking for copies of your bank statements.  You may receive different emails from different team members depending on the work they are undertaking for you.  Whilst we try to eliminate asking for the same information on […]

The Self-Employment Quiz: Can You Make It Work?

Self-employment can be a great option for people who want to spend more time with their family or want the freedom and independence that come with running their own business. But is it right for you? To find out, take this quiz: **Answer each question with a Yes or No 1) Are you confident in […]

7 Ways an Accountant Can Save You Money

In today’s competitive business world, it is not uncommon for people to do their own bookkeeping and accounting. There are many reasons why this is done – the most common being that you can save money doing so. Of course, saving a couple of hundred pounds is an enticing prospect, but there are actually many […]

10 tactics to make sure your invoices get paid.

Wouldn’t life be simple if you could guarantee that your invoice would get paid on time every time? Sadly, this isn’t always the reality. With the economy coming out of recession, there is a very clear and present danger that your business invoices may not get paid in a timely fashion. Here are our best […]

How to build your business (not your workload)

If you want to build your business (not your workload) and you want to spend time on doing the things that will actually grow your business, you need to stop being a ‘busy fool.’ This means no more firefighting through the days and spending most of your time doing things that don’t contribute to your […]

Can anyone get a tax enquiry?

Each year HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) undertake an enormous number of tax enquiries into individuals and businesses to check they have paid the right amount of tax. Since 2010 HMRC have strengthened their approach to enquiry work by using wider powers and sophisticated software and consequently a record £36.9 billion of additional tax revenue […]

Check Out Our Latest Blog

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide Starting a new business is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. One of the most critical aspects to get right from the outset is understanding your tax obligations. This beginner’s guide aims to help you navigate the UK tax system and ensure your […]