
Business Advice

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide Starting a new business is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. One of the most critical aspects to get right from the outset is understanding your tax obligations. This beginner’s guide aims to help you navigate the UK tax system and ensure your […]

Common Pitfalls in Succession Planning and How to Avoid Them?

What Are the Common Pitfalls in Succession Planning and How to Avoid Them? Succession planning is a critical process for ensuring the long-term sustainability and success of any business. However, it is fraught with potential pitfalls that can undermine even the best-laid plans. At 1 Accounts, we understand the intricacies involved in succession planning and […]

How Does Business Coaching Help in Scaling Your Business?

How Does Business Coaching Help in Scaling Your Business? Scaling a business can be a complex and challenging endeavour, requiring not only strategic planning but also continuous development and improvement. One effective way to navigate this process is through business coaching. But, how does business coaching help in scaling your business? This blog will explore […]

Do I need a business coach?

Do I Need a Business Coach? Running a business can be a complex and demanding endeavour. You might find yourself wondering, “Do I need a business coach?” This question is not uncommon, especially in the dynamic and competitive business landscape of the UK. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of having a […]

How Can Established Businesses Maximise R&D Tax Credits?

How Can Established Businesses Maximise R&D Tax Credits? Research and Development (R&D) tax credits are a valuable incentive provided by the UK government to encourage innovation and growth. These credits can significantly reduce a company’s tax bill or, in some cases, result in a cash payment. While often associated with start-ups and tech companies, established […]

What Steps Should You Take to Prepare Your Business for Sale?

What Steps Should You Take to Prepare Your Business for Sale? To Prepare your business for sale is a significant decision that requires careful planning and execution. Whether you’re a small enterprise or a larger organisation, taking the right steps can maximise the value of your business and ensure a smooth transition. Here’s a comprehensive […]

Essential Financial Tips for Start-Up Businesses: Setting Up for Success

Essential Financial Tips for Start-Up Businesses: Setting Up for Success Starting a business is an exciting journey filled with potential and opportunity. However, one of the most critical aspects of ensuring your start-up’s success is having solid financial foundations. Here at 1 Accounts, we understand the unique challenges faced by UK entrepreneurs. This blog will […]

How Do Family Businesses Ensure Successful Succession Planning?

How Do Family Businesses Ensure Successful Succession Planning? Succession planning is a critical aspect for family businesses, especially in the UK, where they play a significant role in the economy. A well-thought-out succession plan ensures the longevity of the business, maintaining the family legacy, and securing the financial future of the next generation. Here’s a […]

What is the benefit of a financial forecast?

What is the Benefit of a Financial Forecast? Financial forecasting is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. By predicting future financial performance based on historical data and market trends, a financial forecast provides valuable insights that can guide strategic decision-making. Here, we explore the key benefits of financial forecasting, particularly for businesses operating […]

What is a company valuation?

What is a Company Valuation? Understanding the value of a company is essential for various reasons, whether you’re planning to sell, seeking investment, or simply want to know where you stand in the market. This blog aims to demystify the concept of company valuation, to help you understand what you’re paying for and what the […]

What is Succession Planning?

What is Succession Planning? Succession planning is a vital strategy for businesses of all sizes, ensuring long-term stability and growth by preparing for future leadership transitions. At 1 Accounts, we understand the importance of a well-thought-out succession plan. In this blog, we’ll delve into the key aspects of succession planning, its benefits, and how you […]

How a Business Coach Can Prepare You for Economic Uncertainty

How a Business Coach Can Prepare You for Economic Uncertainty In the ever-evolving landscape of today’s global economy, businesses of all sizes face unprecedented challenges. Economic uncertainty, marked by market volatility, shifting consumer behaviours, and geopolitical tensions, can pose significant risks to even the most well-established enterprises. At 1Accounts, we understand the critical need for […]

How the Upcoming UK Election Could Impact Your Business

Election 2024: How Party Manifestoes Could Impact Small Businesses in the UK As the 2024 UK election draws nearer, small business owners are keenly aware of how the potential shift in power could impact their operations. Understanding the manifestoes of the main political parties – Labour, Conservative, Green Party, and Liberal Democrats – is crucial […]

Election 2024: What Business Owners Need to Know

Election 2024: What Business Owners Need to Know As the 2024 election approaches, business owners across the UK are keen to understand how potential changes in government policies might impact their operations. The outcome of this election could bring about significant shifts in economic, tax, and regulatory environments. To help you stay informed and prepared, […]

How to improve your business credit score

Elevate Your Business: A Guide to Improving Your Business Credit Score Your business credit score is a valuable asset that can significantly impact your company’s financial health and growth potential. Just like a personal credit score, a strong business credit score opens doors to favourable financing options, partnerships, and opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we […]

Navigating the energy crisis as a business

The UK Energy Crisis: Navigating Turbulent Waters in Business The United Kingdom is currently facing an energy crisis that is sending shockwaves through the business landscape. This, triggered by a confluence of factors, has left businesses grappling with soaring energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and the urgent need to find innovative solutions to mitigate its […]

Business Grants Explained

Unlocking Opportunities: A Comprehensive Guide to UK Business Grants In the dynamic landscape of UK business, growth and innovation are often fueled by access to financial resources. For many entrepreneurs and small business owners, securing funding can be a game-changer. Business grants, in particular, offer a unique avenue for businesses to access financial support without […]

What Lenders Look for When You’re Applying for a Business Loan

What Lenders Look for When You’re Applying for a Business Loan Securing a business loan is a critical step in the growth and success of your company. Whether you’re launching a new venture, expanding an existing business, or addressing financial challenges, understanding what lenders look for can significantly improve your chances of approval. One crucial […]

How do I stay compliant with HMRC?

Your Guide to Navigating UK Tax Regulations If you’re a business owner or a self-employed individual, one question that may often cross your mind is, “how do I stay compliant with HMRC?” As one of the leading accountancy practices in the UK, 1 Accounts Online Ltd is here to guide you through the essentials of […]

How Do I Manage the Finances for My Small Business?

A Guide to Successful Financial Management If you’re a small business owner asking, “how do I manage the finances for my small business?”, you’ve landed in the right place. 1 Accounts Online Ltd, a leading UK-based accountancy practice, provides practical advice to guide you through the maze of small business financial management. How Do I […]

Do I Need An Accountant?

Do I Need an Accountant? Unravelling the Importance of Accounting for Your Business The question “Do I need an accountant?” is a common one among business owners, especially for start-ups and small businesses. As a leading UK-based accountancy practice, 1 Accounts Online Ltd aims to answer this question and elucidate why an accountant is crucial […]

What is an Accountant?

What is an Accountant? Unveiling the Essential Role in Your Business If you’ve ever wondered, “what is an accountant?” then you’re in the right place. As a premier UK-based accountancy practice, 1 Accounts Online Ltd is here to demystify the role of an accountant and explain why they are indispensable for your business. What is […]

The importance of accountability in business coaching

Elevating Your Enterprise with a UK Business Coach: The Role of Accountability in Business Success In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, the key to achieving sustained success lies in recognising and harnessing the importance of accountability in business coaching. With a world that is rapidly evolving, being accountable allows business leaders to adapt, overcome challenges, […]

How Do I Understand My Business Finances?

Unraveling the Mysteries of Business Finances – the Fun Way! 1. When Business Finances Feel Like Hieroglyphics Ever found yourself staring at a pile of spreadsheets and financial statements, as decipherable as ancient hieroglyphics? You’re not alone. Thinking “how do i understand my business finances?” and actually understanding business finances can feel daunting. But fret […]

Should I Become a Limited Company?

A common dilemma faced by many budding entrepreneurs and freelancers in the UK is: should I become a limited company? This question arises as a natural step in the growth journey of any small business or self-employed professional. But, deciding to incorporate a limited company is a crucial decision that can have far-reaching implications on […]

Top 10 “I didn’t know that” questions answered

I didn’t know that? This is a phrase we hear a lot, especially when someone sets up a limited company and especially in January when personal tax returns are due. Here are our top 10 I didn’t know that questions 1 . I didn’t know that I needed a separate bank account?   Yes, a limited […]

Boost your productivity

Why you need to ditch perfectionism and embrace failure! Everyone wants to be successful, but there’s a difference between working hard and striving for perfection. When we’re too focused on getting everything right, it can harm our productivity levels; and when we’re less productive, it’s easy to feel worn out or exhausted every day. We […]

Customer Research: The Key to Keeping Up With Your Clients’ Needs

As our businesses grow and evolve, so do the needs of our clients. It is important that our customers always remain at the centre of our companies, otherwise our efforts will be in vain. A great way of ensuring that your business is always meeting your client’s needs is by constantly updating your customer information! […]

13 Ways an Accountant Can Help a Small Business Owner

There are two huge mistakes that many start-ups or small business owners make. The first one is trying to manage their own accounting system. This is often done incorrectly which can hurt the business in the long-term. The second mistake is assuming that an accountant is only good for managing accounts and filing Tax or […]

Why we love Xero!

It’s no secret that we love Xero! It is the accounting software that we recommend to absolutely all of our clients. This is because we truly believe that it offers better features and useability than its competitors. Here are just some of the reasons why we love Xero! 1) Easy to use Xero has made […]

7 ways to have the right mindset for growth during a recession

A fixed mindset is thinking that the recession means business stops and clients don’t want to spend money. A growth mindset is using this recession as an opportunity to adapt and do things differently. You bees the second mindset if you want to grow your firm doing the recession. The only thing holding you and […]

Starting your own business after redundancy

Facing redundancy can be incredibly challenging, but it could also be the perfect time to start a brand new career based on your interests, your lifestyle and your aspirations. Does this sound too good to be true? With these five steps, we can help you transform your redundancy package into your very own startup: 1) […]

4 ways your accountant and bookkeeper can help you run your construction business more efficiently

Are you struggling with your bookkeeping? You’re not alone. Bookkeeping in the construction industry is incredibly complex! So we wanted to share some of the ways an accountant can save you a shed load of stress whilst also improving the efficiency of your business! Here are 4 ways your accountant can help you run your […]

Hiring an accountant could save your business!

A lot of new businesses fail. A lot of old businesses fail. A lot of previously successful businesses fail. Why? Usually, it comes down to issues around finances. If you’re starting a new business, or if you’ve been in business for years and are trying to grow your team and scale your company, hiring an […]

The 9 step guide to business development

Here at 1 Accounts we are invested in helping your business develop and succeed. We find allocating some time each week to business development is the best way to really make sure that your business grows according to your plan. Business development is: any activity that is nurturing the future of your business, not the […]

Is your small business struggling to make a decent profit? Here are six little known profit holes.

With the economy as unpredictable as it has been lately it is essential for small business owners to take a good look at your overheads and cost of sales. Add into the mix the rising cost of labour, materials and shipping, and this exercise to examine your cost base may be the difference between your […]

How to encourage reluctant staff to return to the office

Since the government advice to work from home was lifted earlier this year and employees have been making their way back into the office, it seems some employees are more enthusiastic than others. How do we encourage our reluctant staff members to return to the office happily, rather than handing in their resignations? Throughout this […]

Flexible Working: Moving from a time-based approach to an outcome-based approach

Flexible working isn’t new. In fact, research shows that many of us (87%) wanted to work on a more flexible basis in 2018 and 2019. What is new, however, is the many businesses that have continued to adopt either completely remote working or a hybrid model since the pandemic transition. They have continued to work […]

How to increase your business capacity without breaking the bank!

Winning new clients should be an exciting part of growing a business. And yet, due to the current climate, this rising demand is often met with limited resources and labour shortages. Throughout this article, we’ll explore how outsourcing and offshoring can help you increase your capacity without breaking the bank! What is the difference between […]

Why sole traders need a separate bank account

If you are just about to become a sole trader, or have been one for a while, you might be wondering whether it is worth getting a separate bank account for your business. There is no legal requirement for sole traders to have a separate bank account for their business unlike Limited Companies which are […]

Talent Management Planning: Why Do It?

Talent management planning is a term we often hear floating around the business world, but what exactly does it mean and why should we do it? To help you gain a clear understanding, we’ll explore what talent management planning is, what it consists of and, most importantly, why it’s beneficial to both you and your […]

How to combat rising wages and staff shortages

It’s no secret that hundreds of small businesses are suffering from increased wage costs and staff shortages. These issues span multiple industries, from hospitality to construction, and have only intensified since the beginning of the pandemic. So, how do you handle rising demands with limited labour? To help you navigate these challenging times, we’ve curated […]

6 key changes businesses should have made over the past 2 years

The pandemic has been transformative in many ways. It has changed how we view our health, how we communicate and, of course, how we run our businesses. Whilst we certainly wouldn’t want to do it again, it has taught us a lot of valuable lessons. In light of the lesson we’ve learnt, we thought we’d […]

How automation can improve your efficiency and productivity

Automation was already on the rise pre-pandemic, but now it has become a business priority. The positive benefits of automation pay dividends for those businesses that invest in it. Many business owners don’t know that accountants can offer a lot of assistance in this area: streamlining and automating processes to improve business efficiency, so here […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of pricing in a recession

No matter how big or successful your company is, maintaining business throughout a recession is hard. With fluctuating demands, losses in sales and competitive price drops, the whole experience can feel like a rollercoaster ride. So how do you survive the economic chaos? To help guide you through, we’ve created a comprehensive list of pricing […]

How accountants can make you look good

When you as a business owner think of an accountant, you think of taxes, financial reporting, or loan applications. While this is all correct, it is just the beginning! Accountants may be the frontrunners when it comes to your finances, but we can offer so much more than that. One of our most valuable offerings […]

Setting KPIs for your business: 6 tips

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are metrics that tell you if what you’re doing is working or not. As you can imagine, this makes them incredibly important for productivity and business growth. How do you know that you’re on the right track to achieving your goals if you don’t measure progress? How do you know that […]

How to attract the right clients (ones who value what you do)

I heard this saying recently, “you get the clients you deserve.” At first, I wasn’t sure what it meant so I dug a little deeper, but my conclusion was and still is, that this is 100% true. Think about it, if you’re accepting low-paying, nit-picky clients and you’re not setting their expectations for how you […]

3 hacks for embracing change in the workplace!

Embracing change is the secret to business growth. It allows us to learn how to do things better and adapt to survive, which is an essential skill in today’s economy! This is easier said than done though. We all like our comfort zones, and it can be really difficult to break out of them. Then, […]

8 Key Marketing Tips for 2022

Marketing today looks vastly different from that of ten years ago. Gone are the days where paid ads, membership of a local networking group and a presence at a local trade show were all you needed to promote your small business. To help you navigate this new age of marketing, we’ve outlined our top 8 […]

7 Ways an Accountant Can Save You Money

In today’s competitive business world, it is not uncommon for people to do their own bookkeeping and accounting. There are many reasons why this is done – the most common being that you can save money doing so. Of course, saving a couple of hundred pounds is an enticing prospect, but there are actually many […]

4 Productivity Tips To Kickstart Your New Year!

Many people find it hard to return to work after the long Christmas and New Year slowdown, but the pandemic has slowed many people down to a halt. It may take longer than normal for some people to return to their usual productivity levels – but why stop at “usual” when things are unusual? Why […]

How to combat Christmas stress in your workforce

Although Christmas is a magical time of year full of celebration and quality time with family and friends, it can cause stress too. Beyond just the pressure of gift buying and financial stress, the month is a lot shorter and there’s an increased pressure to meet deadlines, hit end-of-year targets, and attend additional social functions. […]

Why should I switch to a digital payment process?

According to studies, SMEs spend on average, a whopping £4.4 billion per annum chasing late payments. This problem is only exacerbated by traditional (and slow!) payment methods too such as cash and cheques, so what is the solution to this? To reduce the time between invoicing and the money actually clearing into your accounts receivables […]

How do I make more money without spending a penny!

If you’ve lost clients due to the Covid-19 pandemic, you are not the only one. Countless businesses have lost a substantial amount of revenue, some of which have been forced to declare bankruptcy or shut their doors for good. When we lose clients, it can be tempting to jump back on the sales horse and […]

10 ways to make sure your invoices get paid!

Wouldn’t life be simple if you could guarantee that your invoice would get paid on time every time? Sadly, this isn’t always the reality. With the economy coming out of recession, there is a danger that your business invoices may not get paid in a timely fashion. Here are our best tips for getting your […]

How to find purpose in your work (and day) again

Are you feeling burned out from the chronic stress that has been our lives over the past year? Perhaps you are run down or fed up of every day feeling the same as we are stuck indoors? Maybe you feel just generally overwhelmed with everything at the moment, as you juggle work and family life […]

15 ways to get your mojo back

Imagine yourself when you are in the zone. For example, when are you most confident about what you are doing, you’re efficient and effective in doing it, and most importantly, you’re happy and full of energy to get it done? Can you picture these situations clearly? When you are in this state, the feeling that […]

How to build your business (not your workload)

If you want to build your business (not your workload) and you want to spend time on doing the things that will actually grow your business, you need to stop being a ‘busy fool.’ This means no more firefighting through the days and spending most of your time doing things that don’t contribute to your […]

How to handle a client enquiry: the 4 step-guide

How you handle a client enquiry can determine whether that prospect converts into a lead or whether they go elsewhere. It’s true, we all remember first impressions. To help you make the best first impression that you can, here is a solid sales process that you should follow. Step 1: get their contact details Your […]

5 reasons why you should be publishing blogs regularly

Do you publish new content on your website regularly? If you don’t, you should be. Blogging is an integral part of any effective digital marketing strategy. According to SEO expert, Neil Patel, companies that blog generate 67% more leads than those who don’t! Here’s why you should be prioritising your content. To appease Google If […]

How to have more gravitas as a leader or manager

“Gravitas” was one of the ancient Roman virtues that denoted “seriousness,” but nowadays it’s a quality that also extends to self-confidence and a strong presence. You know the types of people. The ones who talk the talk, who seem to command attention when they walk into a room, who, when they talk, people can’t help […]

3 ways to find the value in your current client base

I don’t know about you, but Covid has me all out of whack. In the past, I’ve had a clear roadmap for growing my business and it’s worked. Since Covid, however, it now feels like all the roads are ‘under construction’ and we’ve been diverted but without being told where to go. Now, an easy […]

Do new small businesses need an accountant?

According to business start-up statistics in the UK, 20% of businesses fail in their first year and around 60% will go bust within their first three years. Approximately 660,000 new start-ups register in the UK every year according to The Telegraph, so what are the reasons for such a high failure rate? While there are […]

The benefits and costs of hiring an apprentice

If you’re at the point where you can’t take on any more work or, to grow your business, you need to hire more staff…hiring an apprentice is as good an option as any. Yes, they might not be as experienced as a fully trained potential employee, but you can mould them to fill any specialist […]

15 things you didn’t know an accountant could do

When asked “What does an accountant do?” many people answer with accounts, tax or compliance work. While that’s true, what many don’t know, is that the good ones do so much more. The best accountants will become a part of your team; they will give you strategic advice to save money and boost revenue, they […]

How to keep a separation between work and home life

Working from home has its challenges. On its own, that shift in environment takes some getting used to, especially if you’re used to working in an office, never mind having your partner or children there full-time as well! While space and distractions are common issues, the biggest challenge is that family and office life are […]

What are the pros and cons of becoming self-employed?

Self-employment is quickly becoming an area of interest for many people. It’s not surprising really when you hear that UK redundancies hit a record of 370,000 in the last quarter of 2020. As the unemployment rate rises to 4.9%, many people are looking at their options and wondering if now is the time to strike […]

12 ways to increase profit margins (and thrive in business)

Your profit margin is how much money you actually get to walk away with after a transaction is complete (revenue – costs = profit). It makes sense then, that businesses who want to grow, focus on increasing this margin. The bigger the margin you have, the more you will thrive and be able to power […]

How to be productive when you feel restless or run down

The changes and stresses caused by the pandemic are taking their toll on all of us. It’s been almost a year now of being stuck indoors, working from home, juggling priorities, and potentially having to home school the children at the same time. I don’t know about you, but is it any wonder that we […]

10 ways to improve your business cash flow

For a business to grow sustainably (and to successfully make it through the financial bumps in the road), cash flow needs to be a priority. And not just when times are tough and cash is tight. Making sure that you’re maintaining an optimal level of cash on hand at all times; this is essential to […]

How do I land the right clients for my business?

While sometimes it’s necessary to take on clients at a lower price than we want – especially when we are building a portfolio – it is not a strategy that will help us grow our business in the long term. What will help us grow the business that we want and in the direction that […]

Goals + habits = SUCCESS

Two sports teams both have the goal to win the game at hand, but only one can. This shows that just having a goal doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to achieve it. To win or achieve your goal, you need to have the right positive habits day in and day out. In the case […]

How to pivot your business so that you stay in business

As we keep plunging deeper into a global recession, it can be tempting to panic and dither with decisions, but that’s not going to help. In fact, it’s the businesses which move quickly that will survive and thrive during this time. So how can you be one of those businesses? One that actually grows during […]

How can I increase my profit margin?

As author Dough Hall correctly put it, “if your profit margins aren’t rising, chances are your company isn’t thriving.” Makes sense when you think about it. If your profit margin is the actual money you get to walk away with after a transaction (your revenue minus your costs), you want to be continually improving this […]

How to prepare your virtual teams for the long haul

The pandemic may have forced hundreds of businesses to convert from co-located teams to 100% virtual teams in a matter of days, but that was just temporary, right? That’s what many of us thought. For a while there, it was just about getting through the next couple of weeks and then months, but now, another […]

Whats happening with Brexit?

The UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, UK Chief negotiator David Frost and EU negotiator Michel Barnier continue to offer differing messages to the public about Brexit, some are positive, some ambivalent and occasionally negative remarks about the negotiations. It is hard to see through the comments made and whether we can take them at face […]


Are you saying yes to every piece of business coming your way? Do you hear yourself saying ‘I wish I’d never agreed to this? Are you losing money on small jobs that aren’t worth your time? If you answered yes to any of the above, this blog is for you. The art of saying NO. […]

How can I use webinars to win business?

Webinar marketing is all about hosting online workshops to build a relationship with attendees and to promote and increase credibility for your business. What’s great about webinars is that they are a win-win for both parties: attendees learn valuable content and, if you do it right, it markets or achieves a sales outcome for your […]

Is my accountant regulated?

Would you trust your life to someone who was not a doctor? Would you be defended in court without a qualified lawyer? Of course not. Yet many businesses trust their livelihoods to unregulated accountants. Why does being regulated make a difference? To be regulated accountants have to be a member of a professional body. The […]

How can I support my team through the current global crisis?

As most working professionals spend a third of their time at work, it’s been a massive adjustment for the millions of people who have had to start working from home. With many other stressors and worries piled on top of this, it’s no surprise then that this has had a major impact on the health, […]

How do I guarantee the quality of work when outsourcing?

Do you worry about outsourcing work because you don’t think the quality will be the same as you’re getting now? Do you worry that the outsourcer won’t be in line with your company’s cultural values? Do you worry that you won’t be in control of the process and that you might end up having to […]

Should I advertise that my business is a ‘family business’?

In an environment where trust in business is too often lacking, family businesses have the opportunity to stand out and above the rest. Why? Because they tend to work to a set of values that resonate with people; values that often result in them being committed to meeting or even exceeding customers’ needs. If you’re […]

How do I adjust staff working patterns?

Whether it is staggering start and finish times to reduced prolonged contact time, introducing short term working due to reduced business needs or flexible working to enable employees to meet child care commitments, a number of employers are having to think differently about how their business operates and the working patterns of their employees. Whilst […]

How to get back in control of your workload

For many of us, Covid has caused a wave of work or we’re experiencing challenges with everyone working remotely and there’s just too much day-to-day work that needs to be done. This is an issue that needs to be nipped in the bud quickly so here’s how to get back in control of your workload […]

How to change your Mindset to trade through a recession

The global pandemic has hit everyone hard, the knock-on effects of which will be ongoing for the years to come. So how do we make it through? How can we keep trading successfully through the recession? While there are many changes and improvements you can make, the most underrated one by far is your mindset. […]

How to get your distractions under control

How many times are you distracted during an average workday? Once, five times, ten times? Now, multiple this by 25. You’ve probably heard this productivity statistic before – that it takes an average of about 25 minutes to return to the task at hand after you’ve been distracted – so imagine just how much time […]

4 ways to recession-proof your business

Unless you have somehow managed to avoid the headlines, I’m sure you’re quite aware that a deep dark recession is coming our way. In fact, it’s practically knocking on our doors. As if this isn’t bad enough, the knock-on effect is causing issues too; relentless client queries being a big one. So how can we […]

How to adapt your marketing to turbulent times

Every business is on a three-step journey: survive, adapt, and thrive. Before COVID-19 hit, many were adapting or had adapted and were thriving, only to be thrown backwards to tread water once it did. With the effects of the pandemic still causing havoc, business owners now need to adapt to move from ‘surviving’ to ‘thriving’ […]

Re-engaging with and reintroducing furloughed employees

During this global pandemic approximately 7.5 million employees have been furloughed (more than 1 in 5 of the UK’s workforce) and, for many, this has been for a significant period of time. You may have even furloughed some of your own employees. For employees that have been furloughed, the challenges of returning to work go […]

Getting Started With Outsourcing: the Insider’s Guide

Outsourcing is becoming more popular as technology propels the business world forward. And why wouldn’t it? Outsourcing manual, low-value tasks allows business owners to focus on better client service as well as those areas that will actually grow their business and keep them competitive. While these points are completely valid, some professionals still have their […]

How to prevent upwards delegation working remotely

Do your staff members often come to you with questions or problems that they could potentially work out themselves just by using their initiative? More often than not, do you end up saying “just give it to me and I’ll get it done, it’ll be quicker?” While it might be quicker to do this one […]

How to say “no” nicely (and not damage business relationships)

How to say “no” nicely (and not damage business relationships in the process) One of the most important things you can learn as a business owner is how to say “no” nicely and not damage any business relationships in the process. Yes, it is possible. Not only is it possible but it is also essential; […]

Do you have a scalable business model?

Nobody starts a business to see it crashing after a couple of years. No one wants their business to stay small forever or to have to throw in the towel when a recession hits. Every business owner wants their business to generate sustainable revenue, one that funds the lifestyle that they want and creates a […]

5 easy ways to cut overheads during a recession

So many businesses are in the position where they need to cut overheads but how do you do this without having to make anyone redundant or reducing their hours? How can you do this without having to trawl your financial reports? If you’re looking for easy ways to cut your overheads during a recession, here […]

How to network when you can’t network in person

Small to medium-sized businesses have to go the extra mile to stand out from competitors, particularly when those competitors can afford the best advertising campaigns. In the past we could compensate with networking, by attending conferences, trade fairs, or local groups. Now those options have gone, how can you compete with bigger businesses? In many […]

How to deal with nit-picking clients who are asking for a discount

Are you finding that some of your clients, some who have previously been good clients, have suddenly become quite fussy? Maybe they have been getting obsessed with the tiniest of mistakes when previously they would have just breezed over it, or maybe they are finding new issues that have never come up before. Whatever problems […]

Returning to work post-covid19: how do you assess your office needs?

In the short-term, it seems likely that many of us will remain working from home even after government orders to do so are lifted. Why? Because businesses have either found that remote working seems to be working favourably for them or they don’t know how to return to work safely. To answer the three most […]

18 tips to successfully juggle working from home with the kids

Thousands of parents have been juggling two to three full-time jobs for the past 11 weeks now: their normal job, 24/7 childcare, and for some, becoming a teacher. With the recent news of schools not reopening now until later this year, it’s looking like this won’t be ending any time soon either. As if this […]

Supervising trainees remotely

With the changes in working practices COVID-19 has caused and the likelihood that many people will be working remotely for the foreseeable future, it is also worth considering how this impacts on the trainee experience and their supervision.  To help with this, we have compiled some tips and ideas on how you can effectively supervise […]

8 Key Principles to lead your team and enhance performance

Whether leading in person or virtually, there are 8 principles that you can adopt to improve team performance. Many organisations are adjusting to remote or virtual working and the majority of managers have no training in how to manage staff that aren’t physically in the same office, which impacts on team performance. We’ve produced separate […]

2 Must-Dos to Help Your Team Work From Home

It’s looking like remote working will be the ‘new normal’ as we ease our way out of lockdown. While this is the best decision for the safety of employees, it’s not great for business. To make it through the current crisis in the best position possible, you need to add “helping your employees create a […]

Are your employees reluctant to return to the workplace?

With the recent easing of lockdown restrictions, several businesses are asking some of their employees to return to the workplace when working from home is not a realistic option.  Whilst this is a reasonable ask, there will be some employees that are either reluctant or concerned about returning to the workplace.  To help with this, […]

How to stay positive for your family and your team

How to stay positive for your family and your team (even if you are scared and worried too) Do you run a business where you’re responsible for your employees’ wellbeing? Do you manage a team at work? Do you have children or vulnerable family members who depend on you? Whether you said to yes to […]

Are my team actually working?

Are your team actually working? With the phased reopening of businesses over the new few weeks to months, many businesses are having to carry on with operating remotely. This means that many employers are faced with the challenge of managing and monitoring their employees who are working from home. It can be extremely challenging to […]


Flexible Furloughing From 1 July 2020, Businesses will have the flexibility to bring previously furloughed employees back to work part-time – with the government continuing to pay 80% of wages for any of their normal hours they do not work up until the end of August. Businesses can decide the hours and shift patterns that […]

Reopening your business checklist ​

After Boris’ speech on Sunday, selected businesses are now allowed to open under the new HSE guidelines. If you are considering opening your Business work your way through our checklist to make sure it is the right time to open and that you have all the steps in place to make a safe environment for you and […]

To charge or not to charge? That is the question.

To charge or not to charge? That is the question. Right now many business owners are in desperate need of support to help them get through the current crisis. These are unprecedented times and the question keeps popping up “should accountants charge for the additional help to their clients?” As a family run business, with […]

Do you run a children’s nursery?

DO YOU RUN A CHILDREN’S NURSERY? Beware of the new furlough rules!  If you operate a Childs Nursery or playground and receive funding from the County, please be aware of the new rules that were introduced by the Government on Friday. Click here for government guidelines Due to this change in guidance you will now need to calculate the […]

How to preserve your cashflow during COVID-19 crisis

How to preserve your cashflow during COVID-19 As the saying goes, turnover is vanity, profit is sanity and cash flow is king. And never has that saying been ever truer. Use this tips sheet to help you preserve your cash flow so you are ready and able to trade again as normal when the restrictions […]

How to keep employees motivated when working virtually

How to keep employees motivated when working virtually. Working virtually for a day or two is often a welcome relief from the noise and distractions of the office. But after a while, as sure as the sun rises in the morning, the novelty will wear off. This tip sheet is there to help you keep […]

Running effective virtual meetings

Running effective virtual meetings Videoconferencing has been available for decades for larger companies, but until recently the majority of meeting attendees would be collected in a meeting room, with only a handful of people joining by video or audio. It takes effort for those in the room to remember that anyone is taking part remotely […]

Working From Home where POSSIBLE

Working From Home where possible Due to the current Covid-19 crisis, the government has issued measures stating that everyone should work from home if they can. It is important to recognise that for many businesses, working from home is impossible as they are customer facing or perform manual work that requires employees to be present. […]

Tough Times Ahead – We Are All In This Together

Tough Times Ahead – We Are All In This Together Without doubt we are facing an unprecedented difficult time. Small business owners are trying to make money for themselves, their family and staff. It is looking likely that we will have to make some cutbacks and decisions that go against the grain. As a small […]

How can your business become Eco-friendly?

How to make your business more eco-Friendly. Since the industrial revolution both carbon levels and global temperatures have increased dramatically. The carbon pollution stays in our atmosphere and consequently traps the heat from the sun. This can cause extreme weather such as intense flooding or droughts. 97% of climate scientists agree that man-made pollution is […]

Instant Response Time

INSTANT RESPONSE TIME Growth in technology has lead to the need for instant gratification. With everything available at the click of a button our patience is dwindling. As a result of this emails can be hard to manage as people often expect an instant response. The development in technology has been astounding, just 20 years […]

Is the Jaguar i-Pace a good company car?

Is the Jaguar i-pace a good company car? Here at 1 Accounts in Haverhill and Cambridge we are often asked can I buy a car within the company?  The answer is of course yes. However when benefit in kind tax and class 1A National Insurance is explained our clients most likely either buy the car […]

Marketing For Business

Marketing For Business Marketing hasn’t changed. But the approach towards it has become far more relational. You used to explain the services you offer and told people to contact you. Now its about sharing helpful information. Advice and ideas. Tips and hints. Great stories. Your prospective client consumes this content over a period of time […]

Extracting Profit From Your Family Company

EXTRACTING PROFIT FROM YOUR FAMILY COMPANY The start of the new tax year means that shareholder/ directors may want to review the salary and dividend mix for 2019/20. The £3,000 employment allowance continues to be available to set against the employers national insurance contribution (NIC) liability which means that where the company has not used […]

Automate, Automate, Automate

Automate, Automate, Automate The 21st century brings a new kind of technology that has not been around for past businesses. Online tools can help make business more streamlined, efficient and productive. 1 Accounts strive to adapt these new technologies to not only help our business but to help our clients too. With this blog I […]

Keeping up with the Employees!

Keeping up with the Employees Unlike the Kardashians it can be extremely hard to keep up with your employees hours, especially if your business is not office based. Here is our simple solution on how we can help you ‘keep up with the employees’. The Problem:  Many employees are paid by the hour and quite often […]

1 Accounts – You are not a bank

You Are Not A Bank As a small business, credit control can be a nightmare. Paul will tell you that when he first started running his traditional accountancy practice (Paul Donno & Co) he was pulling his hair out when he would do work, invoice the client and then not get paid. Unlike buying a […]

Green is the new black – why go paperless?

GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK Trees. Water. Carbon emissions. Time. Money. The environmental impact of paper production in the financial industry is significant and yet completely avoidable. In an age where nearly everything is digital and in the cloud, we needen’t use so much paper. Using an online calculater we have esstimated that as firm […]

Should business employ a business coach?

Should Business’ Employ a business coach? – Absolutely! A note from Paul Over the years I have seen many people that say they are business coaches and I really would not trust them to deliver, especially those that are part of a franchise and just follow set procedures. A business coach should understand your business, […]

What is a Non-Executive Director?

As levels of boardroom regulation have increased, more and more businesses are appointing Non Executive Directors (NEDs) to their boards in order to assist the management team with risk management, compliance and governance. While executive directors help to run a company’s business, NEDs don’t have daily management responsibilities. As a result, they have the time […]

Check Out Our Latest Blog

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide Starting a new business is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. One of the most critical aspects to get right from the outset is understanding your tax obligations. This beginner’s guide aims to help you navigate the UK tax system and ensure your […]