
Why we ask for your ID

As part of our onboarding process we ask all of our clients for two pieces of ID. You might be wondering why we need this and what we do with it afterwards? We explain it all here. Why we need your ID As we are a regulated accountant, we are required by our regulatory body […]

How to use Karbon’s Client Portal

Welcome to the 1 Accounts client portal! This portal is an online management system that allows you to easily and safely send, receive and store all of your accounting and tax information online. What does this mean for you? The client portal allows you to review and approve your accounting and tax information with the click of […]

Why knowing your numbers is important

Every Sunday, Paul reads The Sunday Times to keep up to date with current affairs and to read the great reports in the business & money section. In his column, Julian Richer of Richer sounds talks about the importance of knowing your numbers and taking an interest in the bookkeeping and accounting side of your business […]

1 Accounts Team Building Day March 2022

Last week we closed the office for the whole day so that our team could enjoy our first Team Building day since the pandemic started! We have added several new team members since our last team building day in 2019 including Fran, Katy, Che, Charlie and Harry! This is a huge growth for any firm […]

Why do we ask for your bank statements?

Depending on which service you are on, you will find that you receive requests from members of our team asking for copies of your bank statements.  You may receive different emails from different team members depending on the work they are undertaking for you.  Whilst we try to eliminate asking for the same information on […]

The autumn 2021 budget

Small business owners hopes for some crumbs of comfort from the chancellor in his budget and autumn statement were dashed. The triple hit on small businesses coming from April 2022 is still very much happening.

What help is there for the Self-Employed?

What help is there for the self employed? It seems that every day the realities of the situation the economy is in just gets worse. I am sure you are like us you are pleased that the government is pumping money into small businesses. But what happens if you are self-employed or trade as a […]

Working From Home where POSSIBLE

Working From Home where possible Due to the current Covid-19 crisis, the government has issued measures stating that everyone should work from home if they can. It is important to recognise that for many businesses, working from home is impossible as they are customer facing or perform manual work that requires employees to be present. […]

Tough Times Ahead – We Are All In This Together

Tough Times Ahead – We Are All In This Together Without doubt we are facing an unprecedented difficult time. Small business owners are trying to make money for themselves, their family and staff. It is looking likely that we will have to make some cutbacks and decisions that go against the grain. As a small […]

Giving Back to the Community

Giving Back to the Community As a business giving back to the community is important. The size of business or contribution is unimportant, however having a caring and socially aware ethos is paramount. Many businesses are becoming more aware of their corporate responsibilities and are focusing on their environmental efforts, fundraising events, Employee wellbeing and volunteering. […]

Check Out Our Latest Blog

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide

Understanding Your Tax Obligations as a Start-Up: A Beginner’s Guide Starting a new business is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. One of the most critical aspects to get right from the outset is understanding your tax obligations. This beginner’s guide aims to help you navigate the UK tax system and ensure your […]