Scaling business

How Does Business Coaching Help in Scaling Your Business?

How Does Business Coaching Help in Scaling Your Business?

Scaling a business can be a complex and challenging endeavour, requiring not only strategic planning but also continuous development and improvement. One effective way to navigate this process is through business coaching. But, how does business coaching help in scaling your business? This blog will explore the key benefits and insights that business coaching can bring to your growing enterprise.

Personalised Strategy Development

One of the primary ways business coaching helps in scaling your business is through the development of a personalised strategy. Unlike generic business advice, coaching focuses on your unique goals, strengths, and market conditions. A business coach works with you to identify specific opportunities and challenges, creating a tailored plan that aligns with your vision. This personalised approach ensures that every step you take is strategic and well-considered, maximising the potential for growth.

Enhanced Leadership Skills

Effective leadership is crucial for business growth. Business coaching helps in honing your leadership skills, enabling you to inspire and guide your team more effectively. Coaches provide feedback and strategies on how to improve communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution. By becoming a more effective leader, you can foster a positive organisational culture, enhance team performance, and drive your business forward.

Accountability and Motivation

One of the significant advantages of business coaching is the built-in accountability. Regular sessions with a business coach ensure that you stay on track with your goals and commitments. This accountability not only keeps you focused but also motivates you to push through challenges and stay committed to your growth objectives. Knowing that someone is monitoring your progress can be a powerful motivator to maintain momentum.

Improved Problem-Solving Skills

Scaling a business inevitably comes with its share of challenges and obstacles. Business coaching equips you with improved problem-solving skills, enabling you to address issues more effectively. Coaches often have extensive experience and can provide new perspectives and solutions that you might not have considered. This broadened viewpoint helps you tackle problems more creatively and efficiently, ensuring that setbacks do not derail your growth plans.

Building a Stronger Network

Another way business coaching helps in scaling your business is by expanding your professional network. Coaches often have extensive connections and can introduce you to potential partners, investors, and mentors. Building a robust network is essential for scaling, as it opens up new opportunities and resources that can accelerate your growth. These connections can provide valuable support, advice, and even collaboration opportunities.

Enhancing Business Processes

Efficiency is key to scaling a business successfully. Business coaching can help you identify and enhance your business processes, making them more efficient and scalable. Coaches analyse your current operations and suggest improvements, helping you to streamline workflows, reduce costs, and increase productivity. These enhancements ensure that your business can handle increased demand and operate smoothly as it grows.

Fostering a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is critical for long-term success. Business coaching helps you develop this mindset by encouraging continuous learning and adaptation. Coaches challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace new ideas, and learn from both successes and failures. This mindset not only drives innovation but also ensures that you remain resilient and adaptable in the face of changing market conditions.


So, how does business coaching help in scaling your business? From personalised strategy development and enhanced leadership skills to improved problem-solving abilities and a stronger network, the benefits are manifold. Business coaching provides the guidance, accountability, and support needed to navigate the complexities of scaling a business successfully. If you are looking to take your business to the next level, investing in business coaching could be a pivotal step in your growth journey.

For more insights and support in scaling your business, visit us at Let us help you achieve your business goals with expert coaching and tailored strategies.

succession planning text

How Do Family Businesses Ensure Successful Succession Planning?

How Do Family Businesses Ensure Successful Succession Planning?

Succession planning is a critical aspect for family businesses, especially in the UK, where they play a significant role in the economy. A well-thought-out succession plan ensures the longevity of the business, maintaining the family legacy, and securing the financial future of the next generation. Here’s a detailed guide on how family businesses can ensure successful succession planning.

1. Start Early

Starting the succession planning process early is crucial. Ideally, planning should begin years before the current leader intends to step down. This allows ample time to prepare the successor, ensuring they are well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead the business.

2. Involve the Family

Transparency and communication are key in family businesses. Engage all family members in the succession planning process to avoid conflicts and ensure everyone is on the same page. Hold regular family meetings to discuss the future of the business and address any concerns or expectations.

3. Identify and Develop Potential Successors

Identify potential successors within the family and evaluate their skills, interests, and commitment to the business. Provide them with opportunities for professional development, including formal education, mentorship, and hands-on experience within the company. This helps in building a competent and confident future leader.

4. Define Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly defining roles and responsibilities for family members involved in the business can prevent overlap and confusion. Establishing a clear organisational structure with defined job descriptions ensures that everyone knows their role and contributes effectively to the business.

5. Create a Succession Plan Document

Documenting the succession plan is essential. This plan should outline the process of transitioning leadership, including timelines, training programmes, and contingency plans. Having a written document ensures clarity and serves as a reference point for all involved parties.

6. Seek Professional Advice

Engage external advisors, such as accountants, lawyers, and business consultants, who specialise in family business succession planning. They can provide valuable insights, help navigate complex issues, and ensure that the succession plan complies with legal and financial regulations.

7. Consider Tax Implications

Succession planning often involves significant financial transactions, which can have tax implications. Understanding inheritance tax, capital gains tax, and other relevant tax laws in the UK is crucial. Professional advice can help in structuring the succession plan to minimise tax liabilities and protect the family’s wealth.

8. Plan for Contingencies

Life is unpredictable, and it’s essential to have contingency plans in place. What happens if the chosen successor is unable to take over due to unforeseen circumstances? Having backup plans ensures the business remains stable and continues to operate smoothly regardless of unexpected events.

9. Monitor and Update the Plan

A succession plan is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process. Regularly review and update the plan to reflect changes in the business environment, family dynamics, and the readiness of the successor. Continuous monitoring ensures the plan remains relevant and effective.

10. Focus on Governance

Good governance practices are fundamental to the success of any business. Establishing a family council or board of directors, including non-family members, can provide objective oversight and ensure that business decisions are made in the best interest of the company.


Successful succession planning in family businesses is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, communication, and professional guidance. By starting early, involving the family, and seeking expert advice, family businesses in the UK can ensure a smooth transition of leadership and secure their legacy for future generations.

Financial Forecast on ipad

What is the benefit of a financial forecast?

What is the Benefit of a Financial Forecast?

Financial forecasting is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. By predicting future financial performance based on historical data and market trends, a financial forecast provides valuable insights that can guide strategic decision-making. Here, we explore the key benefits of financial forecasting, particularly for businesses operating in the UK.

1. Strategic Planning

A financial forecast allows businesses to plan strategically for the future. By understanding potential revenue streams, expenses, and cash flow, companies can make informed decisions about investments, expansions, and other significant initiatives. This proactive approach is crucial in a competitive market like the UK, where businesses must continually adapt to changing economic conditions.

2. Cash Flow Management

Effective cash flow management is vital for the survival and growth of any business. A financial forecast helps predict periods of cash surplus or deficit, enabling businesses to plan accordingly. For instance, if a forecast indicates a future cash shortfall, a company can arrange for financing in advance, avoiding potential liquidity issues.

3. Budgeting

Creating a budget based on accurate financial forecasts ensures that businesses allocate their resources efficiently. It allows for setting realistic financial goals and monitoring progress over time. This is particularly important in the UK, where economic fluctuations can significantly impact business operations. A well-prepared budget helps businesses stay on track and adjust their strategies as needed.

4. Investor Confidence

Investors and stakeholders prefer companies with a clear vision and strategic plan. A detailed financial forecast demonstrates that a business is well-managed and has a clear understanding of its financial future. This can enhance investor confidence, making it easier to attract investment and secure funding.

5. Risk Management

Identifying potential risks before they become issues is a significant benefit of financial forecasting. By analysing various scenarios and their financial impacts, businesses can develop contingency plans to mitigate risks. This proactive approach is essential in the UK’s dynamic market environment, where businesses must be prepared for unexpected changes.

6. Performance Measurement

Financial forecasts provide benchmarks against which businesses can measure their performance. By comparing actual results with forecasted figures, companies can identify areas of strength and weakness. This continuous evaluation helps businesses refine their strategies and improve overall performance.

7. Regulatory Compliance

In the UK, businesses must comply with various financial regulations and reporting standards. Financial forecasting helps ensure that companies meet these requirements by providing a clear picture of their financial health. Accurate forecasts can aid in timely tax planning and compliance with other regulatory obligations.

8. Competitive Advantage

Staying ahead of the competition requires foresight and planning. Businesses that effectively use financial forecasting can anticipate market trends, respond to changes more swiftly, and make more informed strategic decisions. This agility can provide a significant competitive advantage.


The benefits of financial forecasting are manifold, ranging from improved cash flow management to enhanced investor confidence and competitive advantage. For businesses operating in the UK, where economic conditions can be unpredictable, having a robust financial forecast is not just beneficial but essential. By leveraging the insights provided by financial forecasts, businesses can navigate uncertainties, optimise their performance, and achieve long-term success.


business credit score

How to improve your business credit score

Your business credit score is a valuable asset that can significantly impact your company’s financial health and growth potential. Just like a personal credit score, a strong business credit score opens doors to favourable financing options, partnerships, and opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the importance and provide practical steps to boost it. Plus, discover how 1 Accounts, in partnership with Swoop, can help you on your journey to an improved credit score.

Your business credit score serves as a financial resume for your company. Lenders, suppliers, and partners often use it to assess your creditworthiness. Here’s why it matters:

  1. Access to Financing: A strong credit score makes it easier to secure loans, lines of credit, and other forms of financing, helping you fund growth initiatives or navigate cash flow challenges.
  2. Lower Interest Rates: A high credit score often translates to lower interest rates on loans, saving money over time.
  3. Supplier Relationships: Suppliers may offer more favorable terms and discounts to businesses with good credit, improving your profitability.
  4. Opportunities: Potential partners and clients may view a strong credit score as a sign of reliability and trustworthiness, leading to more opportunities.
  1. Establish a Business Entity: Register your business as a separate legal entity (e.g., LLC or Corporation) to separate personal and business finances.
  2. Open a Business Bank Account: Use a dedicated business bank account for all financial transactions to establish financial stability.
  3. Apply for a Business Credit Card: A business credit card can help build credit when used responsibly.
  4. Pay Bills on Time: Consistently pay bills, loans, and credit card balances on time to demonstrate financial responsibility.
  5. Monitor Your Credit Report: Regularly check your business credit report for errors and discrepancies. Dispute inaccuracies promptly.
  6. Maintain Low Credit Utilisation: Keep your credit utilization (credit used vs. credit available) low to show responsible credit management.
  7. Diversify Credit Types: Utilise a mix of credit types, such as installment loans and revolving credit, to show credit diversity.
  8. Avoid Overextending: Be cautious when taking on new credit, and only borrow what your business can comfortably repay.

A strong business credit score is an asset that can open doors to financial stability and growth opportunities. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the expertise of 1 Accounts and Swoop, you can enhance your creditworthiness and position your business for success

energy crisis lightbulb

Navigating the energy crisis as a business

The United Kingdom is currently facing an energy crisis that is sending shockwaves through the business landscape. This, triggered by a confluence of factors, has left businesses grappling with soaring energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and the urgent need to find innovative solutions to mitigate its impact. In this blog, we delve into how the energy crisis is affecting businesses in the UK and highlight how 1 Accounts, in partnership with Swoop, can help businesses save money on energy bills.

It is a result of several interconnected challenges:

Supply Chain Disruptions: The crisis has exacerbated supply chain issues, affecting the delivery of essential goods and services.

Rising Energy Bills: Businesses are experiencing a significant increase in energy bills, straining budgets and profitability.

Sustainability Concerns: With the need to reduce carbon emissions, businesses face pressure to adopt more expensive renewable energy sources.

  1. Increased Costs: Rising energy prices directly impact operational costs, eating into profits and potentially leading to price hikes for consumers.
  2. Supply Chain Challenges: Disruptions in the supply chain can lead to delays in production, affecting product availability and customer satisfaction.
  3. Reliability: The crisis has raised concerns about the reliability of energy supply, potentially causing downtime for businesses.
  4. Environmental Pressure: Businesses are under scrutiny to reduce their carbon footprint, necessitating investments in sustainable energy solutions.

The UK’s energy crisis presents formidable challenges for businesses, but with the right strategies and support, it’s possible to navigate these turbulent waters. 1 Accounts, in partnership with Swoop, is committed to helping businesses overcome the financial impact and find innovative solutions. Together, we can weather the storm and emerge stronger, more efficient, and more sustainable.

paul donno - business grants explained

Business Grants Explained

In the dynamic landscape of UK business, growth and innovation are often fueled by access to financial resources. For many entrepreneurs and small business owners, securing funding can be a game-changer. Business grants, in particular, offer a unique avenue for businesses to access financial support without the burden of repayment. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of UK business grants, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how 1 Accounts, in partnership with Swoop, can help you discover these valuable opportunities.

They are funds provided by governments, organizations, or institutions to support specific business activities or objectives. Unlike loans, grants do not require repayment, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to expand, innovate, or embark on projects with a social or environmental impact.

Business grants play a pivotal role in fostering economic growth, encouraging innovation, and addressing societal challenges. They provide businesses with the financial resources needed to:

  • Research and Development: Grants enable businesses to invest in R&D, leading to the development of innovative products and solutions.
  • Job Creation: By providing funding for expansion, grants contribute to job creation and stimulate local economies.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Grants support businesses in implementing sustainable practices, reducing their environmental footprint.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Some grants are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within the business community.

They cover a wide range of industries, objectives, and purposes. Some common types include:

  1. Government Grants: Offered by various government departments and agencies, these grants support businesses in areas such as technology development, export expansion, and job creation.
  2. Local Authority Grants: Local councils and authorities often provide grants to stimulate economic growth within their regions.
  3. Innovation Grants: These grants focus on fostering innovation and research, helping businesses stay competitive and develop cutting-edge products.
  4. Sustainability Grants: Grants aimed at supporting environmentally friendly practices, encouraging businesses to adopt sustainable operations.
  5. Social Impact Grants: Funds dedicated to businesses with a strong social or community impact focus.

Navigating this landscape can be complex, with numerous opportunities available, each with its own eligibility criteria and application process. This is where the partnership between 1 Accounts and Swoop becomes invaluable.

Through our partnership with Swoop, 1 Accounts offers a powerful tool to search for business grants:

  • Personalised Search: We help you identify grants that align with your business’s objectives and needs.
  • Streamlined Application: Swoop’s platform simplifies the application process, making it easier to submit applications for multiple grants.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team provides expert guidance on grant opportunities and assists in crafting compelling grant applications.
  • Regular Updates: Stay informed about new grant opportunities that become available, ensuring you don’t miss out on potential funding.

Business grants are not just about financial support; they are about unlocking the potential of your business. Whether you’re a startup aiming to innovate or an established business looking to expand sustainably, grants can be a game-changer. With 1 Accounts and Swoop by your side, exploring and accessing these opportunities has never been easier. Discover the grants that can take your business to the next level and embark on a journey of growth and impact.

start-up loan newspaper

Your guide to start-up funding

In the dynamic business landscape of the UK, start-up funding emerges as a beacon of hope and opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. The journey of building a business from scratch is exhilarating, yet it’s strewn with challenges, the foremost being financial. Understanding why startups need funding and how to access it efficiently is crucial. Here, we delve into the essence of startup funding and conclude with how 1 Accounts, in partnership with Swoop, plays a pivotal role in this crucial phase of business development.

The initial phase of any business requires seed capital. This early funding is crucial for market research, product development, and setting up a base of operations. Seed capital helps in transforming ideas into viable business models.

Running a business involves a myriad of operational costs including rent, utilities, salaries, and marketing. Start-up funding ensures that these bills are paid while the business is still growing its customer base and revenue streams.

Once a startup is off the ground, the next step is growth. Funding at this stage is used for expanding product lines, entering new markets, or scaling operations to meet increased demand.

The business world is unpredictable. Having financial backing gives a startup the buffer to withstand market fluctuations and unforeseen challenges without derailing its operational capabilities.

Continuous innovation is key in staying competitive. Funding enables startups to invest in research and development, ensuring they remain at the forefront of technological advancements and market trends.

Start-ups can explore various funding avenues, each with its own merits:

  1. Bank Loans: A traditional form of financing, offering a straightforward approach to borrowing with defined repayment structures.
  2. Government Grants: These are often sector-specific and can provide non-repayable funds for startups meeting certain criteria.
  3. Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists: These entities not only provide financial backing but also valuable expertise and networking opportunities.
  4. Crowdfunding: An increasingly popular method, of leveraging the power of the community to raise funds in exchange for product pre-orders, equity, or rewards.
  5. Bootstrapping: Self-funding from personal savings or revenue, offering complete control but limited by personal financial resources.

Securing start-up funding is a critical step towards realising your entrepreneurial dreams. With 1 Accounts and Swoop, navigate these waters with a trusted partner by your side. Start your adventure with confidence; contact us today to explore how we can elevate your startup to new heights.

HMRC Time To Pay Arrangements

In the complex world of business finance, one of the challenges UK businesses often face is managing their tax obligations effectively. The HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) understands that businesses sometimes encounter cash flow difficulties, making it hard to pay their tax bills on time. To assist, HMRC offers a “Time to Pay” (TTP) arrangement, a vital tool for businesses needing extra time to pay their taxes. This blog explores what TTP arrangements are, how they work, and why they might be a critical solution for your business.

Simply it’s an agreement between a business and HMRC to pay outstanding taxes over an extended period. This facility is designed to help businesses struggling with temporary financial difficulties to spread their tax payments, thereby avoiding penalties and helping to manage cash flow more effectively.

To be eligible for a TTP arrangement, businesses must:

  • Have existing tax liabilities.
  • Be in genuine temporary financial distress.
  • Be able to demonstrate that they can pay off the debt in the foreseeable future.

The application process typically involves contacting HMRC, discussing your financial situation, and proposing a payment plan.

TTP arrangements can cover various types of taxes, including:

  • Corporation Tax
  • PAYE and National Insurance Contributions
  • VAT
  • Self-Assessment Tax

One of the primary benefits of a TTP arrangement is improved cash flow management. By spreading tax payments over a longer period, businesses can maintain operational liquidity and avoid the strain of a lump-sum payment.

Timely negotiation of a TTP arrangement can help businesses avoid late payment penalties and interest charges, which can accumulate quickly on unpaid taxes.

Staying compliant with tax obligations is crucial for any business. A TTP arrangement helps maintain a good relationship with HMRC and ensures compliance.

It’s crucial to contact HMRC as soon as you anticipate cash flow problems. Early communication is key to negotiating a feasible and realistic payment plan.

To set up a Time to Pay (TTP) arrangement with HMRC, you can use the following contact details:

  1. For Self-Assessment: Call 0300 200 3822. The Self Assessment Payment Helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm.
  2. For Limited Companies: Contact HMRC’s Payment Support Services on 0300 200 3835.

When negotiating a TTP arrangement, be prepared with accurate and detailed financial information to support your case. This includes cash flow forecasts, business plans, and an explanation of what caused the financial difficulties.

Propose a payment plan that your business can realistically meet. Overly ambitious plans that lead to default can complicate future negotiations.

HMRC’s Time to Pay arrangements can be a lifeline for businesses facing temporary financial difficulties. They provide a structured and manageable way to meet tax obligations without crippling the business’s cash flow. However, it’s essential to approach these arrangements with a clear understanding of your financial situation and a realistic plan for repayment. Regular communication with HMRC and adherence to the agreed payment schedule are critical to the success of these arrangements.

For businesses struggling to manage their tax liabilities, a TTP arrangement can offer the necessary breathing space to regain financial stability. Always consider seeking advice from an accountant to navigate the process effectively and ensure that the proposed plan aligns with your business’s overall financial strategy.

Invoice on computer screen

What is Invoice Financing?

In the realm of business finance, one solution that has been gaining traction, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is invoice financing. This financial tool can be a lifeline for businesses waiting on payments for services rendered or products delivered. Here’s a deep dive into what it is, how it works, and why it could be a critical strategy for your business.

Invoice financing is a way for businesses to borrow money against the amounts due from customers. This innovative financing method allows businesses to improve cash flow, pay employees and suppliers, and reinvest in operations and growth earlier than they could if they had to wait until their customers paid their invoices.

Essentially, a business uses its outstanding invoices as collateral to receive a percentage of the invoice value upfront from a lender. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Invoice Issuance: Your business issues an invoice to a customer for goods or services.
  2. Financing Company Involvement: You sell this invoice to a financing company (either a portion or the full amount).
  3. Immediate Cash Flow: The financing company advances you most of the invoice amount (usually 70-90%).
  4. Customer Payment: Your customer pays the invoice directly to the financing company.
  5. Receiving the Balance: Once the customer pays, you receive the remaining balance, minus fees and interest.

There are two main types:

  1. Invoice Factoring: The finance company manages your sales ledger and collects money owed by your customers themselves.
  2. Invoice Discounting: You maintain control over your sales ledger and chase customer payments yourself.

The primary advantage of invoice financing is the immediate boost to cash flow. Businesses often have to wait 30, 60, or even 90 days for payment after delivering a product or service. This accelerates this process, providing funds when they’re needed most.

This financing method can be particularly beneficial for businesses experiencing rapid growth or those needing to stabilise cash flow. By unlocking capital tied up in invoices, businesses can invest in new projects, hire staff, or simply cover day-to-day expenses.

This type of funding does not require the collateral typically needed for traditional loans. Since the invoices themselves act as collateral, businesses with solid sales but little credit history may find it easier to secure funding through this route.

While invoice financing offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to consider the costs, as fees and interest can vary. Additionally, depending on the type of invoice financing, your relationship with customers might be affected.

For businesses struggling with cash flow due to slow-paying customers, invoice financing can be a viable solution. It offers the flexibility to manage finances more effectively, ensuring that your business can continue to operate smoothly and grow.

By understanding the intricacies of invoice financing, businesses can make informed decisions about managing their cash flow and maintaining financial health. As with any financial decision, it’s advisable to consult with a financial advisor or accountant to understand fully how funding can fit into your broader financial strategy.

Business asset - trucks

What is Asset Finance?

In today’s fast-paced business world, staying ahead often means having the right tools and equipment at your disposal. However, acquiring these assets can be a significant financial burden, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. This is where asset finance comes into play, offering a viable solution for businesses looking to expand or update their equipment without the upfront costs.

It’s a type of financial arrangement that allows businesses to obtain equipment, vehicles, machinery, or any other necessary assets without having to pay the full amount upfront. Instead, companies can use these assets while paying for them over time. This financing approach comes in various forms, including hire purchase, finance leases, and operating leases.

  1. Hire Purchase: This allows a business to buy the asset over time. You pay instalments and eventually own the asset outright.
  2. Finance Leases: Here, you rent the asset for a significant part of its useful life but don’t ever own it.
  3. Operating Leases: Similar to finance leases, but for a shorter period, often less than the asset’s life.

The benefits are manifold:

  1. Cash Flow Management: It helps in managing cash flow effectively by eliminating the need for a large initial outlay of cash.
  2. Access to the Latest Equipment: It allows businesses to acquire the latest machinery or technology without prohibitive costs.
  3. Tax Efficiency: Payments can often be offset against taxable profit (specifics can vary).
  4. Flexibility: Tailored payment terms to match the business’s cash flow.

Accountants play a pivotal role in this process. They not only help businesses manage their finances but can also be instrumental in securing asset finance. This is particularly true when accountants have partnerships with finance platforms like 1 Accounts and Swoop.

Asset finance represents a strategic approach for UK businesses to maintain competitive edge and operational efficiency. The involvement of experienced accountants, especially through collaborations like that of 1 Accounts and Swoop, can significantly ease the process of securing such finance. It empowers businesses to make the most out of their assets while maintaining healthy cash flow and financial stability.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your machinery, acquire new vehicles, or simply improve your technological capabilities, considering asset finance could be a wise financial decision. Remember, consulting with your accountant can provide a clearer path and help tailor the finance option that best suits your business needs.