family for succession planning

What is Succession Planning?

What is Succession Planning?

Succession planning is a vital strategy for businesses of all sizes, ensuring long-term stability and growth by preparing for future leadership transitions. At 1 Accounts, we understand the importance of a well-thought-out succession plan. In this blog, we’ll delve into the key aspects of succession planning, its benefits, and how you can implement an effective plan for your organisation.

Understanding Succession Planning

It is the process of identifying and developing new leaders to replace existing leaders when they leave, retire, or pass away. This proactive approach ensures that the organisation continues to operate smoothly without disruptions. A comprehensive succession plan includes identifying critical roles, selecting potential successors, and providing them with the necessary training and development to prepare them for their future responsibilities.


  1. Continuity and Stability: Succession planning ensures that there is no leadership vacuum, thereby maintaining business continuity and stability.
  2. Employee Development: It encourages the growth and development of employees, providing them with career advancement opportunities.
  3. Knowledge Retention: By preparing successors internally, businesses can retain valuable institutional knowledge and expertise.
  4. Increased Morale: Employees are motivated when they see a clear path for their career progression within the company.
  5. Risk Management: It helps in mitigating risks associated with unexpected departures of key personnel.

Steps to Effective Succession Planning

  1. Identify Key Positions: Determine which roles are critical to the success of your business and need a succession plan.
  2. Assess Potential Successors: Evaluate your current employees to identify those with the potential to step into these critical roles.
  3. Develop Talent: Invest in training and development programs to prepare your potential successors for future leadership roles.
  4. Create a Transition Plan: Develop a clear plan for how the transition will occur, including timelines and responsibilities.
  5. Regular Review: Succession planning is not a one-time event. Regularly review and update your plan to reflect changes in the business environment and employee development.


  1. Identifying Potential Leaders: Finding employees with the right skills, experience, and leadership qualities can be challenging.
  2. Training and Development: Developing a robust training program requires time, effort, and resources.
  3. Resistance to Change: Employees may resist changes, especially if they feel threatened by new leaders.
  4. Balancing Internal and External Hiring: While promoting from within is beneficial, sometimes external hires bring new perspectives and skills.


Succession planning is essential for ensuring the longevity and success of any business. At 1 Accounts, we advocate for proactive succession planning to help businesses navigate leadership transitions smoothly. By understanding the importance and implementing a well-structured plan, you can secure your company’s future and foster a culture of continuous growth and development.

For more insights and assistance with succession planning, feel free to contact us at 1 Accounts. Our team of experts is here to guide you through every step of the process.

accountant with laptop

15 things you didn’t know an accountant could do

When asked “What does an accountant do?” many people answer with accounts, tax or compliance work. While that’s true, what many don’t know, is that the good ones do so much more. The best accountants will become a part of your team; they will give you strategic advice to save money and boost revenue, they will help you work more efficiently, and they will not only help you plan for your future, but they will help you get there.

To better answer the question, “What does an accountant do?” here is a taster of what they offer to you and your business.

Things an accountant can do…

  1. Launch a start-up

You need to know that your idea will make money and may potentially need to convince investors of the same thing. An accountant can do that for you plus work out your start-up and operating costs and create credible revenue forecasts.

  1. Manage your cash flow

Getting a stable and consistent cash flow is every business owner’s dream. An accountant can make sure that you always have the money there to pay staff and suppliers, as well as cash reserves in case of an emergency.

  1. Help make you more tax-efficient

Everyone knows that an accountant can help you complete and submit your returns at the end of the tax year. What many don’t know is that they can also help you to lower your tax ethically as well as helping you deal with old tax debts and making sure your books are watertight if you’re audited.

  1. Manage your debt

What loan should you choose? Should you use spare cash to pay back loans or reinvest in the business? An accountant can help you develop a specific strategy to manage debt in a way that is best for your business.

  1. Chase unpaid invoices

An accountant takes the ‘chasing money’ headache away from you by setting up an automated invoice system. When a payment is due or overdue, this will send out automatic reminders to your clients until they pay. Some accountants will even call clients who are very overdue with payments.

  1. Improve your business strategy

Yes, your accountant can help you figure out where you want to go and what’s important. They will work with you to set realistic personal, professional, and financial goals, and then they will measure your progress to help you achieve them.

  1. Budgeting and forecasting

Working off a vague set of numbers can result in irreparable damage to a business. With an accountant, you can work to an exact budget where you know exactly what is coming in and going out, and how much money you have to reinvest, and all in real-time. As well as having the figures at your fingertips, you will also know your figures that you’re aiming for and how long you could last in a crisis.

  1. Writing and pitching loan applications

Applying for a loan is a tedious and difficult process, but not with an accountant. They can pull together your numbers to help you write a solid application, not to mention give you the forecasting figures that will win over any loan officer.

  1. Help you with recruitment and payroll

Should you hire a full-time employee or outsource? Will your bottom line benefit more from a salesperson or a technician? Can you afford to hire and train a new employee? All these questions are important and should be handled with confidence. An accountant can help you make the best choices for you and your business and make payroll easy.

  1. Set up your cloud accounting software

Accountants aren’t stuffy number crunchers who speak a different language, they are tech-savvy and future-driven. Using the best tools out there, good accountants can help you automate your business’s accounting so that you’re always on top of your finances wherever you are. As well as implementing this software in your business, they can also train you to use it confidently.

  1. Help your business run more efficiently

In addition to accounting software, accountants can also help you unlock the power of other applications so that you can start working smarter, not harder. They can help you increase productivity with your invoicing, payroll, customer relationship management, staff scheduling and time-recording etc, and integrate all these tools together to create an effortless workflow.

  1. Improve your inventory management

Many business owners don’t realise how much money is lost due to poor inventory management. What an accountant can do is help you identify the cost of holding inventory and how much revenue is lost, so you can start to place accurate (and cost-effective) orders.

  1. Help you plan for the future

Do you want to sell your business in the future? Do you have a succession plan? Do you want to retire early? All these questions need to be addressed and planned for early on in your business journey. As well as helping you develop a plan for the future, an accountant will keep this larger goal in mind and will help you stay on track.

  1. Listen and support you

A good accountant will become an essential part of your team. They will be your financial advisor for all aspects of your life and will be there to listen and support you whenever you need them (not just appear in your life at the end of the tax year).

  1. Give you peace of mind

Your business, your finances, and the welfare of you and your family are probably the three most important things in your life. An accountant can help ease this pressure, giving you the reassurance and confidence that everything is being done or is planned for. The result? Peace of mind and being able to sleep soundly.