7 ways to have the right mindset for growth during a recession

A fixed mindset is thinking that the recession means business stops and clients don’t want to spend money.
A growth mindset is using this recession as an opportunity to adapt and do things differently.
You bees the second mindset if you want to grow your firm doing the recession.
The only thing holding you and your firm back from growing right now is you. To help you move your practice forward, both now during the pandemic and during any future recessions, here are 7 mindset shifts you need to make.

1) Make peace with your reality

Suffering is what happens when you resist what is already happening. The sooner you confront the current reality and accept it, the quicker you can move past it.

2) Hold yourself accountable

If you want to grow, you need to think of the acronym R.O.A.D. You need to take Responsibility for the choices you’ve made, you need to take Ownership of where you want to go, you need to start taking Action, and you need to be Decisive. When making your strategy plan, be 100% accountable for putting it into action.

3) Don’t compare yourself to others

Some businesses are struggling, others are thriving. Don’t compare yourself to either. Every business owner, firm, and situation is different, so don’t disrupt your focus with doubt.

4) Prioritise delivering value

Concentrate on delivering exceptional service to your current clients. How can you offer extra value during this time? This will make you invaluable and it will ensure that you stand out from your competitors.

5) Focus on your strengths, not your ‘failures’

What work are you good at? What do you love to do the most? Which clients are your favourites to work with? Being positive during this time is essential, so focus on what you love and reflect on your principles and values. Rediscovering why you do what you do is very powerful when it comes to self-motivation and drive.

6) Fail fast and achieve quickly

Inaction is the worst thing you can do, not trying something and failing. During a time of such change, don’t procrastinate and don’t be a perfectionist. Take action, fail fast, learn from your mistakes, and concentrate on getting there first (not doing it perfectly and getting there last).

7) Be grateful and become self-aware

Practice gratitude every day by thinking about what you are grateful for both now and in your future. Also, take time to reflect and to rediscover your purpose. If you’re confident and happy, you will attract similar clients.

Adapt AND adopt

We have all had to adapt to some degree during the pandemic, for example, being forced to adapt to working from home. Changes such as these are necessary to our ‘survival’ during this time.
With that being said, however, it is the accountants who have both adapted and adopted changes of their own, who have thrived. These are the individuals who make quick and effective decisions, who take responsibility for changing their situation, and who take action.
Anyone can grow their firm during a recession, they just have to have the right mindset.

The 9 step guide to business development

Here at 1 Accounts we are invested in helping your business develop and succeed. We find allocating some time each week to business development is the best way to really make sure that your business grows according to your plan.

Business development is:

  • any activity that is nurturing the future of your business, not the day-to-day tasks that tend to drain the majority of your time.
  • about nurturing the right relationships so that you can create opportunities for your business and attract loyal clients who value what you and your firm do.
  • highly valuable and is key to the long-term, sustainable success of your firm

So how do you do it and do it well?

1) It’s all about the client

Rather than sell at potential clients, focus on what they need. Always listen to them first and demonstrate empathy with their problems before ever talking about yourself and your firm.

2) Address their problems and fears

Now you know their specific challenges and worries, address them. What’s the biggest headache for your clients and prospects? How can you alleviate this pain for them? Again, talk to them about what keeps them up at night and listen. They’ll tell you all you need to know.

3) Solve their specific problem

If you already have a product or service that solves their biggest pain point, great! If you don’t, create something from scratch. Diversifying could open you up to a whole new target audience.

4) Think about your main offering

In a single sentence, sum up what you offer to your clients and this will be your brand tagline. Steer clear of things like “we give a personalised service” and be more specific. Do you take away a specific fear and help your clients sleep at night? Do you give them more time to spend with their family?

5) Differentiate yourself with your website and social media

You need to be spreading the word about how you can help your clients. Essentially, you need to be helping them to find you. Make sure you have a high-quality website that is SEO-optimised and has pop-ups offering valuable resources. You will also need to be regularly active on social media.

6) Build your brand

This takes time, but becoming an expert in what you do will reap the rewards. Use your tagline offering in everything that you put out there and produce content consistently. Whether it’s blogs on your website or posts on social media, create that emotional connection and you’ll see that people will engage.

7) Make it easy to get in touch

People will take the path of least resistance so make it easy for them to contact you. Contact details should be easy to find on your website and all call to actions should be clear throughout your marketing materials.

8) Nurture the relationship

So much business is lost through a lack of following up, so be there in front of your clients and prospects to build those relationships. Every blog post you’re sharing or newsletter you’re sending out should offer value; it should answer a question or solve a problem or inspire action. There is real value in regularly being in front of your clients, just as long as what you’re saying is useful to your target audience.

9) Focus on getting your existing clients to buy more from you

You already have a great relationship with your existing clients and they already like you, trust you, and know first hand the value that you offer. It makes sense then, to help them get more from you.

It really is as easy as 1,2,3…9

While business development is essentially sales, you need to always be thinking about who you are targeting and what they want to hear, rather than talking about yourself and what makes your firm special. What are their specific problems and aspirations? Using these 9 steps, you can get creative with your messaging and really stand out to your prospects.

The Do’s and Don’ts of pricing in a recession

No matter how big or successful your company is, maintaining business throughout a recession is hard. With fluctuating demands, losses in sales and competitive price drops, the whole experience can feel like a rollercoaster ride. So how do you survive the economic chaos?

To help guide you through, we’ve created a comprehensive list of pricing do’s and don’ts. These tips can help you find long-term solutions to your turbulent, but hopefully temporary, problems and ensure you not only survive the recession but develop strategies to help you thrive long after.

The Do’s

Do promote your value

Unforeseen circumstances can quickly change the landscape of the economy. However, these external factors shouldn’t directly impact the value of your products or services. Therefore, we believe the best way to navigate a recession and stand out from your competitors is to focus on communicating the intrinsic value of your products and services. Through effective marketing, you can remind your clientele of your unwavering commitment to high-quality service and customer satisfaction regardless of the economic landscape.

Not to mention that it will take you a lot longer to do all your finances than a professional anyway. Why would you waste your time when you could be doing what you do best and what you actually enjoy?

Do control your costs and address inefficiencies

Controlling your prices during a recession is incredibly important. Why? Because the decisions you make during times of crisis strongly reflect your company standards and values. Make the wrong call, and it can irreparably damage your reputation and relationships with customers, which in turn will harm your sales long after the recession is over.

Instead of altering your prices to increase your profit margins or sales, focus on streamlining your companies’ processes. Address any inefficiencies, create long-term solutions and invest in your team’s development.

Do create valuable bundles

Dramatic price cuts aren’t as effective as you may think – not to mention, they’re almost always unsustainable. Instead, you want to find solutions that will accommodate your customer’s current needs without compromising the value of your products or services.

Creating valuable bundles and packages is one solution that is both reliable and sustainable. By offering a range of bundles (from low to high value), you’re able to attract a variety of customers and cater for their varying needs. As a result, you’re able to drive up sales, preserve the value of your products and services, and accommodate your cost-conscious customers throughout these difficult times.

Do keep looking ahead

Every business owner, CEO and partner knows that for a business to succeed, you must constantly be looking ahead – innovating and improving upon your current position. (Even amidst a recession, you must focus on long-term solutions.) Therefore, it’s vitally important to focus on your research and development strategies. Assess your customer’s wants and needs – ask them how you can improve and really listen. You can then use this information to improve upon and create products/services that incentivise customers to start (or continue) investing in your business.

The Don’ts

Don’t rapidly reduce your prices

There are several reasons why rapidly reducing your prices is an ineffective and ultimately damaging tactic during an economic downturn. However, we believe the most significant reasons are:

  1. You can destroy your long-term value. If you lock in a long-term price drop, you’re signaling to customers that the value of your products and services are significantly lower than your standard price point.
  2. Discounts won’t resolve your demand issues. If your products or services aren’t currently in demand, lowering your prices won’t change a thing. For example, there was little to no demand for theatre tickets at the height of the pandemic. However, since restrictions have eased, sales have returned to normal, and box offices have successfully maintained their original prices.

So don’t fall into the trap of lowering your prices – they are not the problem.

Don’t rapidly increase your prices

If you’re experiencing a sudden surge in sales – fantastic! Be grateful, not greedy. Rapidly increasing your prices when your products/services are in high demand implies that you are taking advantage of your customers and their needs. Not only will this alienate your customers and damage your reputation, but it can also lead to legal implications. So, whenever you are increasing your prices, make sure you do so ethically and sustainably.

Don’t get into a pricing war

If a competitor reduces their prices, don’t immediately assume you have to do the same. Competitive pricing will only damage your value (and your profit margins). Now, that isn’t to say you can’t develop a cheaper product or service that’s of equal value to your competitor’s offering – but you should only cheapen your services if you have adjusted their intrinsic value.

Remember, customers will respect your pricing so long as the services or products you provide are of a high standard.

Don’t focus on quality over quantity

Guiding your business through a recession is no mean feat. It takes a lot of courage to maintain your prices and values. However, this perseverance will help to preserve your reputation and uphold your high standards. So, instead of taking a reactive approach, focus on being proactive! Find long-term solutions, provide non-monetary discounts and drive sales based upon the quality of your products and services.

2 people shaking hands

8 Key Marketing Tips for 2022

Marketing today looks vastly different from that of ten years ago. Gone are the days where paid ads, membership of a local networking group and a presence at a local trade show were all you needed to promote your small business. To help you navigate this new age of marketing, we’ve outlined our top 8 marketing tips to promote your business in 2022.

1)Focus on your branding

Developing a strong brand is imperative if you want your marketing strategies (and business) to succeed. Your brand is what makes your business unique – it should encapsulate your values and services whilst also being distinctly recognisable. Effective branding should:

  • Be visually appealing.
  • Be consistent across all mediums. On and offline, your colour palette, font choices and imagery should all be cohesive. (PS Instagram is no longer just for creative people)
  • Convey your services and values through slogans and taglines.
  • Attract your target audience.

2) Refine your web design

Your website is the virtual hub of your business – it is the centre of all your online activity. Therefore, it must represent your business positively and professionally. If your website is unappealing and difficult to navigate, you will struggle to attract new customers and clients.

To ensure your website reflects the quality of your business, it must be:

  • Informative
  • Easy to navigate
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Linked to all of your other online platforms

3) Develop your online presence

To attract new clients, you must be active online – this means regularly posting on your website and social media channels. Posting helpful and informative content will allow your clients to engage with your business, whilst SEO strategies will ensure your posts are visible across multiple search engines.

If done consistently, you will successfully drive more traffic to your website.

A good way to see what social media platforms are useful for your business is look at your Google Analytics. Which of your social channels are bringing in the most traffic and buying customers? These are the social channels to spend most of your time creating and repurposing content for.

4) Harness social media platforms

Social media is a great way to reach new clients. It is also a fantastic way to develop brand loyalty amongst your current clientele.

Articles, captions and videos all add tremendous value to your social media followers, whilst comment sections, direct messages and re-tweets allow customers to interact directly with your team.

Social media platforms change all the time. What used to be a great platform for your business to be active on may not be as good. For example, you may find that Instagram is getting more traction and results than Facebook or Twitter now. If you are aiming to get your messages in front of teenagers then Tiktok is the place to be. So pay attention to your marketing analytics to see where you should be putting your marketing efforts.

5) Create original content

Did you know that websites with blogs attract 55% more traffic than those that don’t? Having a blog allows you to connect with your audience by sharing your expertise. By posting helpful and relevant content, you’re able to answer consumer questions, build trust and draw more people to your website.

If your business already has a blog, why not take it further and start producing downloadable templates and guides?

6) Utilise email subscription services

Email subscriptions ensure your customers and clients don’t miss out on any news, posts or updates, by delivering weekly/monthly newsletters directly to their mailboxes. Other reasons to invest in email marketing are:

  • It’s inexpensive
  • It has a high ROI
  • It draws people back to your website via direct links
  • It promotes customer loyalty

7) Encourage customer reviews

Whether you’re buying a new toothbrush or switching energy companies, we all like to do our research – and that means checking the reviews.

Reviews are vitally important to any business as they provide an honest and unfiltered response to your quality of service. So as long as you’re providing excellent service, more reviews can only encourage more customers! There are loads of places where your customers and clients can place a review for your business. Always ask them to put a review on Google, and potentially Facebook or any other important recommendation platform for your business such as TripAdvisor for hospitality and leisure businesses.

8) Sponsor local events

Not all marketing strategies are online, nor should they be. Sponsoring local events can be hugely beneficial for your business. It provides you with the opportunity to meet new clients, share your company values and, of course, promote your business to the local community.

Similarly, attending local charity events, making donations and partaking in voluntary work will also paint your business in a positive light.

Marketing made easy 

Effective marketing is essential to attract new clients and expand your business. Therefore, you must dedicate sufficient time and effort to developing your brand and online presence.

The devil is in the details, so focus on upholding consistently high standards (for branding and content) across all of your platforms and watch your online traffic surge.

Marketing done well costs money. However, if you are aiming to maintain or grow your business in 2022, marketing is an activity which needs to constantly happen in your business. If you are unsure of how much of your income you can afford to spend on marketing, get in touch. We can help you see how your numbers stack up and whether you can afford to spend what you marketing suppliers are suggesting you need to spend!

how to build your business

How to build your business (not your workload)

If you want to build your business (not your workload) and you want to spend time on doing the things that will actually grow your business, you need to stop being a ‘busy fool.’ This means no more firefighting through the days and spending most of your time doing things that don’t contribute to your overall goal.

To build your business, you need to take control of your time and use it wisely. Here’s how.

Invest in the right workflow tools

There are bound to be inefficiencies in your existing processes, so identify them. Where are the bottlenecks in your processes? Can you automate any manual tasks?

One of the best ways to start working slicker is to invest in the right workflow tools. They can make management, collaboration, tracking progress, and daily operations so much more efficient.

Prioritise high-value work

To stop spending so much time on unnecessary tasks, start prioritising effectively. Use the Urgent Important Matrix to do this.

Group your tasks into 4 quadrants:

  • Q1: Urgent and important – these are emergencies that arise (e.g. missed deadlines, complaints, technical failures, pressing problems etc).
  • Q2: Important but not urgent – these are the tasks you need to do to grow your business (e.g. goal setting, growth planning, networking, self-development, business development etc).
  • Q3: Urgent but not important – these tend to be interruptions that take up the majority of your time (e.g. phones, texts, emails, unproductive meetings and reports etc).
  • Q4: Not urgent and not important – these are distractions that cause you to procrastinate and have no value to your business (e.g. personal phone calls, social media, excessive or irrelevant emails etc).

Once you’ve grouped your tasks, you will know what you need to focus on and what you need to avoid.

Delegate low-value work

Now you have identified tasks that need to be done, delegate the low-value work to your team so that you can focus on the ones that require your level of skill.

If you delegate effectively (i.e. delegating authority as well as tasks), you can be reassured that the day-to-running is ticking along while you’re focusing on the tasks that will grow the business.

Schedule time in the diary for business development activities

You need to invest more time in quadrant 2, doing the planning and budgeting and development activities that will grow your business. You know this, but if you don’t schedule it into your diary, it won’t get done.

If you prioritise these tasks and delegate the rest, you will have time to sit down and focus on them. You just need to find the best days and times where you can work productively and without any interruptions.

Build your business

It really is as simple as that. To build your business, not your workload, you need to follow these 4 steps. When you do these consistently, you’ll find that each day follows a much calmer formula:

  1. DO – those important tasks that need to be done today.
  2. SCHEDULE – the important but not so urgent tasks, so that they will get done.
  3. DELEGATE – the urgent but not so important tasks.
  4. AVOID – the non-urgent, non-important tasks.

5 reasons why you should be publishing blogs regularly

Do you publish new content on your website regularly? If you don’t, you should be.

Blogging is an integral part of any effective digital marketing strategy. According to SEO expert, Neil Patel, companies that blog generate 67% more leads than those who don’t! Here’s why you should be prioritising your content.

To appease Google

If you satisfy search engines like Google by publishing regular, high-quality content, you will appear at the top of their search results. Improving your search engine ranking is key to driving traffic to your website and getting conversions.

To help your audience find you online 

If you write regular content which is optimised for the keywords that your audience will be searching for, you will help your audience find you. For example, if you know what their pain points are (e.g. how to manage money), you can write helpful articles that appear on the first page of results on Google.

To keep your readers coming back

If you only write now and then, your audience won’t remember you and your brand. You won’t stay in front of them until they are ready to buy. If you’re publishing useful and relevant content every week, they will keep coming back to read more. Just like a favourite author or magazine, they will know your brand and will want to read what you write.

To build trust and position your business as the expert 

You can use your content to demonstrate and share your knowledge with your audience, and ultimately, to position yourself as the expert in that field. If people see you as the thought leader in your field (and they trust you, because you publish useful content, regularly), they are far more likely to buy from you.

To create content for social media

Many business owners don’t know where to start or what to post when it comes to their social media strategy. If you write and publish regular blogs, however, this can generate a lot of content for you to use on your social channels. Not only does it increase your online presence, but this increases your reach and gives you another avenue to drive traffic back to your website too.

How often should you publish blogs?

Once a week is more than enough for most businesses. You want to be blogging regularly enough that you reap the rewards of the effort but not too much that you can’t manage to fit it into your busy working week!

Just remember, you need to be blogging as content creates trust and credibility; it makes Google happy, and it positions you as the expert (which ultimately leads to results!).

movie themed

How can I use webinars to win business?

Webinar marketing is all about hosting online workshops to build a relationship with attendees and to promote and increase credibility for your business.

What’s great about webinars is that they are a win-win for both parties: attendees learn valuable content and, if you do it right, it markets or achieves a sales outcome for your business. Sounds good, right?

While webinars are a great tool to use to win business, if you don’t do it right, it can end up costing you a lot of time and effort for little reward. So this is the point of this short article. We want to show you the 3 essential steps for how to use webinars to win business.

Step 1: start with the end in mind

If you think about what you want to achieve from your webinar before you start, you can make sure that it is relevant and that it is a topic that is in demand. Before creating your webinar, explore these 4 questions:

  1. What is the purpose of my webinar? Is it just to inform clients, to stay front of mind or to sell an additional service?
  2. Who do I want there? Is it for existing clients or potential clients or both?
  3. What pain points are my audience motivated to solve? What are their biggest challenges at the moment?
  4. When will they attend a webinar? When is the most ideal time for them?

Step 2: get people to sign up, turn up, stay till the end, and to buy from you

For your webinar to be successful and for it to win you business, you will need these 4 essential processes in place:

  1. How I will get people to register – your webinar needs a catchy title and objectives that promise value and raise curiosity. You also need to pick a time and day that is best for your audience and use an email marketing tool to assist with registrations.
  2. How I will get people to turn up – streamline a process for sending email reminders to attendees (we send a total of 5 reminders to ours) and call warm prospects or people you want there.
  3. How I will get people to stay to the end – keep your attendees engaged and make them want to stay. You can do this by making the webinar highly interactive (especially at the beginning); tell them the agenda, promise something for those who stay to the end, and make it about your audience and their issues.
  4. How I will get people to buy – you need to show your audience their ‘ideal’ scenario and position your product/service as the solution to getting them there. You can do this by including case studies of clients who have had the same or similar issues and how you’ve helped them to take action and resolve them. You can also include statistics, show them the different options available to them, and have clients actually on the webinar to advocate for you in real-time.

Step 3: use the right technology

Technology can make or break a webinar, so make sure you are using the right tools. Tools that will assist you and make your life easier rather than tools that limit you. If you want to win business from your webinars, you need to be using the following technology:

  1. Webinar or online meeting software (e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc)
  2. Decent broadband and ideally a webcam
  3. Automated diary booking system (e.g. Calendly, AcuityScheduling etc)
  4. Registrant data collection tool (e.g. Eventbrite or the other event software)
  5. Bulk email marketing tool (e.g. Active Campaign, MailChimp etc)

Webinar marketing is a great way to win new business and to stay in front of your existing clients. You just need to know how to create a relevant and engaging webinar that your audience is interested in and you need to make it as easy as possible for people to remember to turn up and buy.

Should I advertise that my business is a ‘family business’?

In an environment where trust in business is too often lacking, family businesses have the opportunity to stand out and above the rest. Why? Because they tend to work to a set of values that resonate with people; values that often result in them being committed to meeting or even exceeding customers’ needs. If you’re thinking about using your family business credentials in your brand, here are the main benefits of doing so.

People trust family businesses

A report, commissioned by the Institute for Family Business (IFB) Research Foundation, found that a considerable majority of the general public hold family businesses in high regard in terms of perceptions around their trustworthiness.

In fact, survey respondents said that they think family businesses are more:

  • Trustworthy (81%)
  • Socially responsible (70%)
  • Quality-orientated (68%)
  • Customer-orientated (67%)

Family businesses appeal to every age

Studies have shown that a company which promotes itself as a family business is more likely to attract clients across all age ranges. It makes sense when you think about it as a family business has professionals across different generations which clients can choose from.

Family businesses are more approachable

The marketing of a family business is very informal and friendly. Often, you’ll see a friendly attitude put out over social media and the website copy will be talking to clients as if they are already part of the family.

What this does is that it makes the business approachable. It makes clients feel safe and secure and they are more likely to reach out and confide in you. This is a major contributor for why family-owned businesses seem more stable, more customer-friendly, more approachable and more trustworthy.

Employees are happier and more productive

Bringing your family business into your team ethos has a massive positive impact on your employees as well as your clients. For example, research has shown that using the family’s last name in the company brand not only has a positive impact on sales but also on company performance too.

In general, the family aspect gives most people positive associations. The environment tends to be more ‘caring’ which ensures all team members are comfortable with each other. A family atmosphere also promotes honesty which helps the team to grow and not keep problems bottled up. Creating this common sense of belonging to the family unites employees and managers across business areas, and it shows in the performance of the company as a whole.

Will you use your family credentials in your branding and team ethos?

Hopefully, this article has helped to highlight the value of promoting your family business both internally and externally. Not only does it ground your brand in the public mind in a very positive way, but it also ensures that your team are happier and more productive in their roles too.


How to adapt your marketing to turbulent times

Every business is on a three-step journey: survive, adapt, and thrive. Before COVID-19 hit, many were adapting or had adapted and were thriving, only to be thrown backwards to tread water once it did. With the effects of the pandemic still causing havoc, business owners now need to adapt to move from ‘surviving’ to ‘thriving’ once more. So how do you do that? How does your marketing need to change in turbulent times?

Your clients want to feel supported

One thing is for sure: your clients (and potential clients) are struggling and they have no desire to be sold to.

So what does this mean for you?

While people may not be receptive to the usual marketing efforts and ways of winning business, if you can offer them value and support during this difficult time, you can win some very loyal clients.

Yes, they might not be interested in a pitch, but they’re struggling. Many may be realising that they have been receiving poor service and have been turning to Google and social media to research their needs.

Never before have they been so motivated to do something about these so this is a unique opportunity for you. If you market right, there has never been an easier time to win clients.

Key marketing activities to prioritise right now

  • Invest in ways to quickly update your client base on the changing realities
  • Give your website a COVID-19 refresh
  • Call all of your clients and find out how you can support them
  • Be “there” for them so that you become part of their ‘war cabinet’
  • Help your clients build their strategy to adapt and thrive
  • Reconnect with your old prospects and offer this help
  • Be active on social media and share useful content to boost your credibility
  • Collect the great testimonials that you are receiving throughout the pandemic
  • Plan your clients’ communication and content for the next 1-3 months

Adapt and thrive during the recession

We can all cut costs and budget and prioritise to increase our chances of survival during the recession, but if we want to do more than that, if we want to adapt to the changing times and thrive during the recession, we just need to tweak our marketing.

The recession is an opportunity. It’s a chance to stand out by being credible and being there to support existing clients; it’s a chance to win those clients who are finally realising that they are not getting the type of service that they want. So do that. Use this time to adapt your marketing and you’ll soon see that you start to move from ‘survive’ to ‘thrive’ very quickly.

Mind mapping for marketing

Marketing For Business

Marketing For Business

Marketing hasn’t changed. But the approach towards it has become far more relational. You used to explain the services you offer and told people to contact you. Now its about sharing helpful information. Advice and ideas. Tips and hints. Great stories.

Your prospective client consumes this content over a period of time and when they are ready they come to your because you’re top of mind. Or when they’re referred to you they come to your content, consume it quickly and make a faster quicker decision.

It’s called content marketing. There are a variety of formats (video, blog, social post, events) and at it’s core is your client. Its all about them: who they are, what they struggle with,, how you approach it.

There’s a 12 step process to generate the very best content (bringing you the very best clients), and It goes like this:

  1. Niche
  2. Issues
  3. Content
  4. Brand
  5. Design
  6. Website
  7. Email
  8. Follow up
  9. Blog
  10. Events
  11. Campaigns
  12. Social Media

Each one builds on the one before. If you tried to start at the end, with social media, you’d have to back up to create a campaign, you need to know your audience, their issues, the content you’re sharing. You need to be clear about your brand and how you design things and have a website and email platform …. And it all comes together!

(Written by Karen Reyburn)