Tips for when an employee is reluctant to return to work

Are your employees reluctant to return to the workplace?

With the recent easing of lockdown restrictions, several businesses are asking some of their employees to return to the workplace when working from home is not a realistic option.  Whilst this is a reasonable ask, there will be some employees that are either reluctant or concerned about returning to the workplace.  To help with this, we have developed some tips to guide you through how you might approach this.

Step 1– Considerations prior to speaking with the employee

These circumstances are new to us all so, before speaking with the individual you may wish to reflect on whether there are any additional measures you can put in place ease someone’s concern’s about returning to the workplace:

  • Tip 1 – Review the reasons behind wanting the employee to return to the workplace.  Is it possible that the role can be done remotely (fully or partially)?
  • Tip 2 – Review the workplace safety measures you have put in place (social distancing, staggering working hours, cleaning, PPE etc).  Is there something that could/should be done that would increase confidence for those returning to the workplace?
  • Tip 3 – Consider other employees may be feeling the same but not voicing their concerns.

Step 2  – Having a meaningful conversation

Hold a virtual meeting or call with the individual to explore their concerns.  Each individual will have experienced lockdown differently so it is important to understand where their concerns are coming from:

  • Tip 1Starting the conversation, don’t jump straight in – By starting the conversation with a general check in, then outline the purpose of the call as well as let them know it is ok to be feeling anxious they are more likely to feel comfortable expressing their concerns and you are more likely to come up with a workable solution.
  • Tip 2 – Explore further than the initial response.  Whilst citing child care issues may be both true and a very real concern it may not be the underlying reason they are reluctant to return, including (but not limited to):
  • Concerns relating to commuting on public transport
  • Child care commitments
  • Mental health issues that have developed during lockdown
  • Grieving for a lost family member or friend
  • Safety in the work place (such as social distancing and PPE measures)
  • A need to shield (either for themselves or for others in their household)
  • Loss of confidence in capability due to a long absence away

You should also be prepared for non COVID-19 related concerns such as a break down in a working relationship prior to lockdown

  • Tip 3 – Be prepared that more than one meeting or call is needed.  Some individuals need time to reflect on what is really concerning them, solutions proposed or to come up with alternatives.  You may also need some time to rethink solutions so having a follow up meeting or call before finalising any agreement is often beneficial.  Also be prepared to break the potential solution down into smaller pieces and once they accept one, review and agree the next step.
  • Tip 4 – Ask them for solutions that could work.  As with any performance conversation, there is more buy-in from the employee if solutions are suggested by them.  If the suggestion is workable (even if not perfect) then it may be worth trying initially.

Step 3 – Possible solutions and reasonable adjustments

Whilst there are likely to be a number of options available and you should be guided by the employee, some of the below (in isolation or in combination) are a good place to start:

  • Phased return (using annual leave and reduced working hours)
  • Amending working patterns to avoid busy commuting times
  • Combining working remotely and being in the workplace
  • Increased frequency of wellbeing check ins
  • Phased introduction to tasks (starting with a lighter workload to ease the individual in gently)
  • Ensuring they work with the same person every time they are in the workplace (achieved by agreeing team splits or defining work areas to set individuals)

Step 4 – Follow up

Follow up any conversation in writing to summarise your understanding of the conversation and anything agreed (such as solutions and how/when this might be reviewed) is good practice and also gives the individual the opportunity to confirm or correct your account.  This method also has the additional advantage that, should you need to, you can refer to this summary in later conversations.

Today is going to be a good day coffee cup

How to stay positive for your family and your team

How to stay positive for your family and your team (even if you are scared and worried too)

Do you run a business where you’re responsible for your employees’ wellbeing? Do you manage a team at work? Do you have children or vulnerable family members who depend on you?

Whether you said to yes to just one or all of the above, having people depend on you, especially during such a difficult time as now, can quickly lead to burnout. If this happens, who will you be able to help then?

To help you stay strong so that you can be there for others during this time, here is how to stay positive even if you’re scared and worried too.

3 steps for staying positive

Step 1: Deal with your fear and anxiety first

You need to let go of the negative feelings draining your energy first before you’re able to feel positive and expend this energy for others. Here are a few ways that you can do that:

  • Seek community and support by talking to friends and family or joining a support group online.
  • Get your news and facts from reputable resources but limit your exposure to news and social media.
  • Plan your daily routine and stick to it to maintain a sense of structure and normality.
  • Prioritise your own self-care and practice mindfulness activities such as yoga and meditation.

Step 2: Train your brain to think positively 

Our brains are wired to protect us, therefore sensing ‘threats’ and thinking ‘negatively’ are often a reflex response. To overcome this, you need to train your mind to think differently. Here are a few ways that you can do that:

  • Believe a positive attitude is a choice and start to focus on positive thoughts.
  • Rid your life of negativity by limiting your exposure to the news and people who think negatively.
  • Practice positivity every day by writing down things that you are grateful for.
  • Look for positivity to reinforce it in your life. You can do this by re-framing things that happen in a positive way (e.g. finding the silver lining).

Step 3: Share this positivity with others 

Only when you let go of negative feelings that are a drain on your energy can you be there for others. Here are some of the best ways you can help others:

  • Check-in regularly and really listen to them.
  • Be empathetic and share what works for you.
  • Help them to be more positive in their lives too.
  • Spread kindness as much as possible and show your appreciation for people with words and gestures.
Lady with laptop

Are my team actually working?

Are your team actually working?

With the phased reopening of businesses over the new few weeks to months, many businesses are having to carry on with operating remotely. This means that many employers are faced with the challenge of managing and monitoring their employees who are working from home. It can be extremely challenging to keep track of remote workers, never mind their productivity, so here are our top tips (including software and tools) that you can use to do this effectively.

7 essential tips for monitoring employee performance

  1. Use communication apps like Zoom and Slack – video conferencing software and instant messaging apps can ensure quick and effective communication for everyone.

video call

2. Assign deadlines to tasks – placing a time frame on a task increases motivation. Just make sure that these deadlines are realistic.

3. Check team activity regularly to manage projects – use project management software such as, Mavenlink or Trello. These enable you to check progress and manage multiple projects efficiently.


4. Track the time spent on the internet – apps such as TimeDoctor will allow you to gain valuable insight into productivity vs procrastination based on the websites that your employee visits throughout the day.

5. Monitor when employees are actually working – track how much time your employees are working and how much time they are idle or away from their keyboard. Tools like Hubstaff do this by running in the background to monitor keyboard and mouse activity.

team in circle
Hands together

6. Supervise employees remotely – remote employee monitoring software (TimeDoctor, Hubstaff etc) allow you to gain insights into productivity as they take screenshots at fixed time intervals (e.g. every 5 minutes).

7. Get everyone to send you an end-of-day summary report – an end-of-day report not only allows you to see whether your employees are spending the appropriate amount of time on tasks that you set, but they also show your employees what they’ve achieved every day too.

Find the programmes that work best for you and your team

Using these tips and software recommendations will allow you to effectively manage your employees while they work from home for the next few weeks and months. To do so doesn’t involve micro-management, but rather engagement and accountability. That’s what communication tools, project management apps, and time-tracking software are for. If you can find the best ones that work for you and your team, then remote working will soon become as productive as working in the office.

Ballet dancers


Flexible Furloughing

From 1 July 2020, Businesses will have the flexibility to bring previously furloughed employees back to work part-time – with the government continuing to pay 80% of wages for any of their normal hours they do not work up until the end of August.

Businesses can decide the hours and shift patterns that their employees will work on their return and you will be responsible for paying their wages in full while working. This means that employees can work as much or as little as your business needs, with no minimum time that you can furlough staff for.

Any working hours arrangement that you agree with your employee must cover at least one week and be confirmed to the employee in writing.

When claiming the CJRS grant for furloughed hours, you will report and claim for a minimum period of a week. Businesses can choose to make claims for longer periods such as on monthly or two weekly cycles if this is more appropriate.

You will be required to submit data on the usual hours an employee would be expected to work in a claim period and actual hours worked. We can assist and make the claims for you.

If your employees are unable to return to work, or you do not have work for them to do, they can remain on furlough and you can continue to claim the grant for their full hours under the existing rules.

Employer contributions

From August, the government grant will be tapered as follows:

  • For June and July, the government will pay 80% of wages up to a cap of £2,500 as well as employer National Insurance (ER’s NICs) and pension contributions for the hours the employee does not work – employers will have to pay employees for the hours they work.
  • In August, the government will continue to pay 80% of wages up to a cap of £2,500 but employers will pay ER’s NIC’s and pension contributions.
  • From 1 September, the government will pay 70% of wages up to a cap of £2,187.50 for the hours the employee does not work – employers will pay ER NICs, pension contributions and 10% of wages to make up 80% of the total up to a cap of £2,500
  • For the final month of the scheme in October, the government will pay 60% of wages up to a cap of £1,875 for the hours the employee does not work – employers will pay ER NICs, pension contributions and 20% of wages to make up 80% of the total up to a cap of £2,500
  • the cap on the furlough grant will be proportional to the hours not worked.

Important dates

It is important to note that the scheme will close to new entrants from 30 June. From this point onwards, you will only be able to furlough employees that you have furloughed for a full three-week period prior to 30 June.

This means that the final date that you can furlough an employee for the first time will be 10 June for the current three-week furlough period to be completed by 30 June. Employers will have until 31 July to make any claims in respect of the period to 30 June.

Guidance and support

Further support on how to calculate claims with the extra flexibility will be available by 12 June and we will keep you informed about the detail and your written requirements in due course. If you have any questions please contact us.


Reopening your business checklist ​

After Boris’ speech on Sunday, selected businesses are now allowed to open under the new HSE guidelines. If you are considering opening your Business work your way through our checklist to make sure it is the right time to open and that you have all the steps in place to make a safe environment for you and your team. 

1. Do we have a plan to reopen with ‘social distancing’ in place when our business is legally allowed to?

  1. Do we have a supply of hand sanitiser available for all entrances and exits used by staff and customers?
  2. Can these sanitisers to be fixed in place to minimise theft?
  3. Have we done a deep clean of our premises?
  4. Do we have a supply of face masks for staff? If possible branded? Contact Kiiwii. 
  5. Have we worked out how to minimise the risk to staff by introducing social distancing wherever possible? E.g. spacing out seating, staggering shift times or rotas, placing visual markers where queues form to help people socially distance?

2. Do we have a plan to reengage with staff who have been furloughed?

  1. Are they physically able to return to work? And on what basis?
  2. What hours do we need them to work? And does this require formal HR assistance if there is a major impact to their working hours or contract? 
  3. What training will they need to be safe and competent doing their job?
  4. Will they need to be reskilled or reassigned? And how will this happen?

3. Have we forecasted the impact of social distancing on our business?

  1. Reduced demand and capacity?
  2. Cash flow? Turnover? Profit?
  3. Resource requirements?
  4. Parents of school age children may still need to be at home with their children?

4. Have we identified ways to reduce the need for customers to physically be on our premises?

  1. Telephone and/or internet ordering?
  2. Photos or videos of our products/services on our website?
  3. Deliveries to customer homes?
  4. Click and collect?

5. Have we done a risk assessment and implemented recommendations to minimise the risk to our staff?

  1. How to reduce contact in our offices and premises?
  2. Increased cleaning of all surfaces?
  3. Education and training to staff on how they will play their part to keep everyone safe?

6. Have we identified ways to increase demand for our business’s services or products whilst still remaining ‘COVID-19’ secure?

  1. New products or services which will be in demand?
  2. Different ways of delivering the service or fulfilling the order or demand?
  3. New channels to market? E.g. direct to consumers?

If you would like some help and advice about re-opening your business please contact

skull - To charge or not to charge blog

To charge or not to charge? That is the question.

To charge or not to charge? That is the question.

Right now many business owners are in desperate need of support to help them get through the current crisis. These are unprecedented times and the question keeps popping up “should accountants charge for the additional help to their clients?”

As a family run business, with strong family values at our core – we say NO.

We have approached this current crisis head on and have offered our clients help and support as an extension to their current service. We are extremely proud of the 1 Accounts team for delivering extra services such as processing furlough claims, applying for grants for our retailers and small business rate relief clients and preparing forecasts to help get essential funding from the banks. Not to mention giving advice to all our clients on how to get through this crisis. This approach has not been adopted by all accountancy firms, and has even been scrutinised.

We have looked at why we are able to adapt and support our clients so quickly and this is what we have done to secure our business and help others in their time of need:

  • 100% digital. Meaning the team can work from home easily.
  • We don’t have time sheets and are happy to give extra support and not charge for every 6 minutes.
  • We operate on fixed monthly fees that are easy to understand –
  • We furloughed three of the team, two admin and one Director
  • We received SBRR grant of £10k. This enabled us to keep paying our landlord and office services.
  • We applied for a loan from our bank under CBILS.
  • We deferred our VAT payment although we expect to pay this very soon.
  • We reviewed our expenses and reduced some of our spending.
  • We paid for Zoom to enable us to service our clients easier
  • We have appointed a marketing company to adjust our website
  • We have been sending our regular updates to all clients
  • We have become a shoulder to cry on and a much needed sounding board.

Many traditional accountants will be struggling with this current crisis. We sympathise with them as they are business owners too. However COVID-19 has highlighted even more that online accounting is the way forward. It is time to embrace technology not to hide in the shadows. Due to the way our business is set up, we have not had to furlough our whole team nor ask anyone to take a pay cut. We will also not be sending out a bill in the post for every 6 minutes of advice we have given. We genuinely want to help our clients – after all we are all in this together.

If you need some extra help and support, and would like to hear more about our services, please email to arrange a zoom call.


Ice cream

How to keep employees motivated when working virtually

How to keep employees motivated when working virtually.

Working virtually for a day or two is often a welcome relief from the noise and distractions of the office. But after a while, as sure as the sun rises in the morning, the novelty will wear off. This tip sheet is there to help you keep your team happy, healthy and motivated regardless of whether they are in the office or at home.

Tip 1: Regularly pick up the phone to talk to employees

Imagine you were back in the office. You’d probably now and then circulate around the office and have a natter with your team. Of course, with everyone working virtually, this just isn’t feasible to do. So, make a point of picking up the phone to speak with a team member or two each day, just to see how they are.

Old telephone

Tip 2: Keep an eye out for who has gone quiet

In these uncertain times many people process their fear and uncertainty by going very internal. In other words, they will go quiet and not contribute much to any of the dialogue. If you have one of these members of staff, then make a point of giving them a phone call and asking them explicitly how they are feeling right now. And if your instinct says they are not fine if they say “fine” in response to that question, ask more questions of them.

Tip 3: Set up a group chat for each individual team and encourage a mix of 50/50 work vs non-work stuff

If you were sitting in the office every day you wouldn’t just talk work, so it is the same when your staff are working from home. It may take a while for the conversation to get going on the group chat, so much sure that you take the lead. See something which makes you laugh? Then share this. Getting annoyed by the kids being under your feet at home now? Then share this. Loving the fact that the sun is shining, then share this. Etc (You get the idea…)

Tip 4: Encourage your team to look for the positives

Thumbs Up

Right now, it doesn’t feel like much is positive. However, looking for the positives is a great way to counteract all the doom and gloom, and constant fear in our minds. You will need to lead the ‘being positive’ attitude with your staff. For example, how about on the group chat ask everyone to tell them something good which has happened today. Or share something which made them laugh.

Tip 5: Set up daily team calls

It depends how many staff you have whether you have all employee calls or individual team-based calls, or a mixture of both. If you have young, inexperienced or staff who are struggling working based from home you may like to have 2 of these calls; one in the morning and one after lunch. Ideally, in these calls you want everyone to answer these questions:

  • How am I feeling right now?
  • What am I happy, grateful or positive about?
  • What am I planning to get done today?
  • What help do I need to get this done today?

Tip 6: Encourage your staff to do some exercise and get outside every day

This isn’t the time or place to lecture about the benefits of exercise. But it is a great mood and immune system enhancer, and even more so when the sun is shining and we can get out into nature. (And we all need this right now!) Many of your employees may fall into the trap of working from their desk all day. So, encourage them to think about their own well-being and how they will look after their physical and mental health in this uncertain time.


Tip 7: Help your staff structure their day


It’s really easy when working from home to get sucked into the myriad of distractions available… laundry, Netflix, social media, kids …. Therefore, you may need to have a 1:2:1 with each member of staff to help them think through how they are going to structure their workload, particularly if they now have the kids at home and need to spend time looking after them

Tip 8: Be the strong leader your team need

You need to be there and present for your staff. Now is not the time to hide in a corner and stop talking to people. Your staff are looking to you to keep them calm, positive and motivated. This doesn’t mean bottling up your own fears and vulnerabilities. Actually, this is the time to admit to your staff that you are scared too. Strong teams form when leaders are prepared to admit their vulnerabilities.

Strong arm

Tip 9: Take decisive action

Your team are looking for you to take decisive action and be clear in what you want and need from them. It’s pretty easy to get down and depressed when you don’t know what is expected or required from you. The more direction you can give your team now, the better the morale will be from your staff.

Tip 10: Encourage staff to have a buddy to check in with

Remember that your business is not just you. How about encouraging team members to buddy up and look out for each other?

Tip 11: Remember to praise and thank staff more than normal

We often take our staff for granted. So, now is the time to make sure you are showing how much you appreciate the effort from each member of your team.

Tip 12: Make it easy for staff to speak up in meetings

If you struggle to get your staff to talk in meetings, it is going to be even harder to get them to talk when you and they are working virtually. If this is the case for your business, then start a document which everyone can access virtually and contribute to with agenda items for the meeting. In addition to this, start each remote meeting by asking everyone to answer some basic questions in the chat box, such as “on a scale of 1 – 10, where 1 = very down and 10 = amazingly positive, where are you today”.

Tip 13: Don’t talk about ‘remote workers’, talk about ‘virtual working’ or ‘virtual team members’

The language you use with your team really does matter. Talking about people as remote or workers can really emphasis the distance between your team and contribute to a sense of isolation.

Calendar - virtual meeting

Running effective virtual meetings

Running effective virtual meetings

Videoconferencing has been available for decades for larger companies, but until recently the majority of meeting attendees would be collected in a meeting room, with only a handful of people joining by video or audio. It takes effort for those in the room to remember that anyone is taking part remotely and the very word “remotely” subconsciously lessens their impact on the course of the meeting.

Very few businesses have had to hold meetings where all of the attendees are in different locations, so many people are only now learning how to adjust “in person” meeting processes to fit a virtual space.

Arranging the meeting

The basic setup for a formal meeting is very similar to meeting in person. As usual, you would circulate an agenda, details of when and where the meeting is taking place, preferably a minimum of 1 day before. This gives everyone time to check that they have the right equipment or software to join. The most popular virtual meeting services make it as easy as possible to join, but if you have any doubts, it’s useful to circulate joining instructions.

As host, and especially if you haven’t done this before you should have  a trial run to make sure you know how to do basic things, such as muting microphones if any participants have a noisy background that could distract from others. If possible, it’s best to set audio so that everyone’s microphones are muted when they first join.

Video Camera

Many companies have a policy of ensuring all attendees have video enabled. This may seem intrusive, but it does minimise the chances of misunderstandings if everyone can see a face instead of just a voice. It also helps add to the illusion of being in the same room.

If you need someone to take notes, nominate them in advance. If you don’t think it’s necessary, some virtual meeting services allow you to record the meeting, just in case you need to refer back. Remember to press “record” when the meeting starts!

Check how you appear on camera

Appearances still do matter in this time. Make sure that you are able to look into and through the camera when the meeting is on, rather than staring at the screen. Also make sure that your whole face appears on the screen, and the camera isn’t pointing at the top of your head or your chest.

Pick a quiet and tidy space for the meeting

But it’s not just how you appear on screen, it’s also what’s in your camera background. Given how quickly people were told to work from home and the restrictions on space, people are a lot more forgiving at the moment. But make sure you don’t have a messy room behind you, and try not to have washing – particularly things like underwear – drying behind you.

If possible try and pick a room for the online meeting where other members of your household will not be visible. Sometimes this is much easier said than done when you have children in the house. Particularly those of an age who don’t understand that “Mummy is on a call right now” means, do not disturb.

Starting the meeting

Hand Wave

It’s best for hosts to arrive 5 minutes early to the meeting, and get the meeting started early. This allows time for you to fix any problems and prevents any early birds from assuming it’s not working.

Depending on numbers coming, begin by welcoming each attendee, acknowledging their virtual presence in the same way as you would in person. It helps to get everybody into the same mindset as they would be if they were meeting you in the office. Just as you would in a face-to-face meeting, ask attendees what they would like to achieve or get decided in the meeting.

It’s often a good idea to have a few open questions ready to ask at the start of the meeting to get people to interact. If you have more than 4 or 5 people in the meeting, it is worth using the chat box to quickly capture people’s answers and keep the energy up at the start of the room.

Managing progress

Long meetings are often counterproductive in person, so the same applies virtually, even if people are sitting somewhere more comfortable. If you have too much to discuss, break it into shorter meetings with breaks, or circulate explanations in advance and ask for input. This avoids what Harvard Business Review calls “collaborative overload”, where you spend more time in meetings than actually working.

If more than a handful of people are taking part, make it clear when people can speak, to avoid people talking over each other. How you manage it depends on what’s under discussion. A team meeting would naturally mean various people take turns to give updates. A more free flowing discussion would involve you keeping track of who isn’t speaking and who’s dominating the conversation. You can draw quiet participants out by asking for their opinion on an item, or for an update on something.

You may like to have a rule that if someone wants to speak they put a physical (or virtual) hand up. This minimises the chances of someone talking over you on an important point.

People can be braver at a distance, so if there are disagreements, suggest following up after the meeting, when people have calmed down.

Closing the meeting

Once you’ve covered everything you need to discuss, it’s useful to summarise any decisions made and confirm who will carry out any resulting tasks. Even in person, it’s easy for misunderstandings over tasks and responsibilities to arise, so it’s doubly important to check things in a virtual meeting, where audio and visual cues aren’t as clear as usual.

Working From Home where POSSIBLE

Working From Home where possible

Due to the current Covid-19 crisis, the government has issued measures stating that everyone should work from home if they can. It is important to recognise that for many businesses, working from home is impossible as they are customer facing or perform manual work that requires employees to be present.

However a lot of businesses can be completely of partly moved to home working with some very minor changes. Administrative departments for example should be able to move to home working relatively easily. This way of working could turn into the new normal, with team meetings at hubs and offices a thing of the past. Whatever happens, our lives will definitely be different after this global health crisis.

As accountants it is our job to help our clients adapt to a changing business environment. We are pleased that we can lead the way in working from home, below are some tips for how to best optimise your business to be able to work from home.

Technical Tips:

Get laptops.  Ditch the desktop computer and buy yourself and staff members laptops, this gives you the flexibility to work anywhere. Our team all use Surface Books with small hard drives as we use the cloud for all our storage. Each desk at the office has a docking station which allows any staff member to use any desk with the same set up which allows for flexibility in the office as well.

Go Online. Get rid of your server and look at having all your software and storage online.  Our IT partner Platform 365 have helped us to ensure we can operate 100% online and provide us with much needed remote support.

  Microsoft 365. Changing to subscription-based Microsoft 365 has helped us so much. We store our files on One Drive and have access to the online versions of Microsoft Office’s programmes such as Word and Excel. This allows our files and documents to be securely shared and accessed by our team on our laptops and smartphones from wherever we are working.

Accounting Online.  Our preferred software is Xero, partly as it is an online platform and allows you to run your business from anywhere, but we also work with other platforms that have a similar function. Having your accounting software online with tools such as Receipt Bank makes working online and communicating with your accountant very easy. For example, we can remotely cover your book-keeping team should they fall ill and be unable to work. This will give you peace of mind that your business will still be able to manage its cash.

Online tools. There are many online tools that can help your business to thrive and make you more efficient, we are more than happy to help and advise you with these. We use Karbon to keep track of our work and see where the team are on our clients jobs, Futurli to see trends in our business and our clients, and Zoom to keep in touch with our clients and the team.

Personal Tips:

Paul regularly works from home on a Wednesday and many of our team also have at least one working from home day a week. Here are our top tips for working from home for you and your employees

Limit Distractions. Try not to work where the family are, they are distracting and you won’t get much done. It can be tempting to have family and friends pop round for a coffee whilst you are working, but you need to be strict and politely tell them when you will be available.

Get Dressed.  Make sure to change into your daytime clothes and don’t be tempted to sit working in your PJ’s all day, especially if you have video calls! This will have the psychological effect of getting your brain ready for work as opposed to chilling out all day. The same goes for working from your bed.

Keep moving. Exercise is important for keeping both your body and mind healthy, especially when working from home. I try to not spend sustained periods of time sat in isolation at my desk, I have found that even going out for a coffee or sitting in another part of the house or garden helps to break up the day. Taking the dog out for a walk at lunchtime or going for a morning run are great ways to include exercise into your daily working routine.

Flexible Hours. For us a working day is 7 1/2 hours and as long as the work gets done they can be completed at any time in the day. If it suits to do something during the day and finish in the evening that is fine.

Communication. Keep in regular contact with the rest of your team. We have a scheduled group call at 10am every morning to catch up with our team members who are working from home during this time.  It helps us all stay on the same page and allows us to continue to work together well.  It also stops us from getting lonely!

Hands in the middle with 1 Accounts logo

Tough Times Ahead – We Are All In This Together

Tough Times Ahead – We Are All In This Together

Without doubt we are facing an unprecedented difficult time. Small business owners are trying to make money for themselves, their family and staff. It is looking likely that we will have to make some cutbacks and decisions that go against the grain.

As a small business we have a team to pay and clients to look after. We could just throw in the towel and say that we are all doomed; but we have sat back, feet on the table and reflected on the situation. We have looked at our own business, how we should respond and what new opportunities are available.

1 Accounts is a family run business with Paul, Jenni, Jade and Katie Donno all working in the office. They all depend on 1 Accounts as well as the fantastic team around them. We have very strong family values and we hope that this comes across to our clients in all that we do.

Unfortunately we will know someone that may well loose a loved one and we will be there to help them and support them in the best way we can. Pauls dad has been in poor health and the Donno family are continuously worried about him contracting the virus. We have found ways of supporting them with Paul’s mum phoning him nearly everyday with her food shopping order.

We are being told that 80% of the population will catch the virus. Experts have said that it is actually a mild flu and most people will recover. This means that at the end of this pandemic we will need to live again. The 1 Accounts team are looking forward to going back to the pub for a beer of three.

Here are our top tips for small business owners: 

Be Positive 

There is a lot of fake news out there and the media loves to sensationalise what Boris says. On March 16th Boris announced that where possible work from home. He used the phrase where possible as it is not possible for everyone. We would suggest you limit the news, especially Facebook (hard we know) so you can stay positive.

Smiling Child

What do your customers need?

Shipping button

We have seen some great examples in and around Haverhill. Nine Jars are delivering coffee and paninis to the high street for £5, they are also offering food deliveries from their normal menu; for every 10th meal they deliver they will donate one to the local food bank. This is a great example of how to think ‘outside of the box’. Another local business Ben & Ella’s Farm Shop are offering an ‘Isolation Box’ that they can deliver.  If customers can’t come to you – go to them.

Even Domino’s have a ‘no contact’ delivery service now – so even the big boys are adapting.

Small Wins

Look for the small wins and keep your overheads covered. When this finishes in a couple of months people will want to engage with you and will be craving human contact. You will need to plan, plan, plan to be able to survive the next couple of months. It is a good idea to watch China and see what they are doing, they are in front of us and will be showing the rest of the world what is next and how there economy is starting to bounce back. Also watch out and listen to people who have had the virus and how quickly they have recovered from it.



Tell your customers what you are doing and if you are suffering, tell them that too. Being open will help to gather the support you need. Also keep your team informed, this is a worrying time for them too. You need them as much as they need you.

Don’t cut back on your Marketing!

If anything increase your marketing and keep your message going. Tell your investors and suppliers what is happening and ask for help if needed.

If you are stuck on your social media speak to Jade and she will be happy to help you free of charge whilst the crisis is on. We want to help you in anyway we can to keep your business afloat. Afterall we need your business to keep going, to keep ours going.

Cash Is King 

You will need more cash now more than ever before. Securing your cash is paramount. The government has announced that it will help small businesses with Statutory Sick Pay and government back lending; we will update you on this when we know more.

HMRC are extending their time to pay arrangements for PAYE, VAT and Corporation Tax to help you through this. We again can help you to organise this.

Check your business interruption insurance to see if you are covered and work with your broker to see how you can claim.

Look at your personal position and see if you can cut costs. Sky sports are not showing the Football or Rugby, now is the time to discuss this and get a reduction. Do you need the cinema and Gym membership if you can’t go?

We can help you and have changed our business model to treat your immediate needs above our normal day to day work.

We are all in this together.

Think Outside Of The Box

Your business will change by the end of this and hopefully for the better. We have lots of ideas and would be happy to brainstorm with you free of charge to help you get through this difficult period.

Gift Box

Be Kind

Above all, help your fellow small business and they will help you now and in the future. Do not take this opportunity to sell hand gel or toilet rolls at an inflated price, you will possibly have a more comfortable time now but you will not survive when business returns to normality. Paul still avoids a garage that inflated costs during the fuel crisis. Harming your reputation could be detrimental in the future.


Please give us a call – even if it is just to vent and we will be more than happy to help.

We are all in this together